
Hearing continued...

We've been waiting for weeks to find out if bio mom's rights would be terminated yesterday. We just found out the hearing went long and is being continued. Our worker said they need to call more witnesses to get a clearer picture of mom's situation. The kids' worker had told us they fully expected her rights to be terminated at the hearing. From the info we got today about the hearing, it doesn't sound as "open and shut" as they thought...

Me 30/DH 31 Married in June 2003. TTC since 2008. M/c in Nov. 2008. D/x: DOR and MFI 5 cycles of IUI in 2010. IVF #1 in Nov. 2011. ER 11/22. ET 11/25. BFN.

Re: Hearing continued...

  • I'm sorry Tiffany. It may be open and shut but they have to give her plenty of opportunity to make her case. In our foster care classes, our coordinator told us about once case where the birth father has held up the termination of his rights. He'll never get back the kids because he refused to do anything required of him to get them back, but he continues to appeal on various grounds (all eventually denied in court.) Hopefully you have good news soon.

    Mommy to DS#1 7/1/04 and DS#2 6/15/07
    M/C 2/16/10 at 9wks 5 days~ D&C 2/18/10
    BFP#4 5/17/11 C/P.    
    BFP#5 11/30/12 Surprise! DS#3 born 7/29/13

  • I have not been there myself (yet) but I can only imagine how difficult that would be to go through. Have faith, have hope, and take a deep breath... it's probably just the system working itself out...

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  • I used to work for the state of Texas and have seen many termination trials. The length of the trial is not an indicator of whether the rights will be terminated, so try not to worry. Sometimes if there is a lot to the situation and a long history of whatever is going on, the state wants to be sure the jury (if it's a jury trial) will want to terminate the rights, so they get as many witnesses as possible to convince them beyond any doubt and sometimes it can take a while. It also depends what time the trial began. We used to have all our cases on the same docket and sometimes trials wouldn't be heard until the afternoon, not leaving much time in that day. Be patient and hang in there! Hopefully you'll have good news soon :)
  • Our hearing for the same is next week. All I can do is pray. 

    Hang in there! 

  • I've been there and know your frustration.  In my case, the birth parents had nothing to do with the child, had never seen him, nothing and they kept extending time for the termination to be completed.  I was told that Dec 26 they would be terminated as this date would be 6 months since he'd been in foster care and with no parental contact it would be terminated on abandonment.  Well that didn't happen.  Then February came and was told they should be terminated at this date.  Well again, it wasn't.  Now these birthparents have NEVER seen this child and had no contact even with CPS ever.  It's like they disappeared and they were not able to contact them.  So April it was finally terminated.  In my experience, they give the birth parents more and more "time" or "chances" before they terminate.  Keep the faith that it will happen and you will be able to finalize soon. 
  • Its never "open and shut" like they say. DS2's case is a PERFECT example.
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