Cloth Diapering

Parent's of boys come in please!

My little guy is nearly 15 months now and we have been using cloth since the day he came home. In the past few months he has started to have issues with his foreskin getting swollen and irritated, and yucky. We've had him at the doctors a few times and gotten now an antibiotic cream that seems to be helping. The thing is, I've had him in sposies a few times and it goes away, so i'm trying to figure out why the cloth is doing this to him now.  He is changed frequently during the day, but no changes over night.  He's in pockets that all have fleece lining. Do you think if I added more absorbency it would make it better?  Anyone else had issues with the foreskin getting irritated and starting to peel?
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Re: Parent's of boys come in please!

  • Is it the sposies or the ointment that clears it up? Does he get a lot of naked time? Are his CDs packed to heavy and putting pressure on it? Try aiming it down and stuffing them less in the front and loosening the snaps. Ointment sounds like an infection, though, not an irritation. Are you sure it's not a coincidence? You could try the ointment and wrap his penis in a soft baby washcloth to protect your CDs to see if it clears up then. Sorry...not much help. Just spitballing. 
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  • I noticed they my LO got irritated only in the pockets, and not the prefolds. I made 100% cotton inserts for the pockets and it solved my problem. I figured it was the synthetic fibers that bothered him.
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  • DS tip was getting very red and irritated.  I started adding fleece to his diapers and giving him about 15 mins of naked time after bath/before bed to fully dry off. Since doing that, he hasn't had any issues.  I also put cream on it at the time to help clear it up.
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