
First Birthday and Bikes

Hi everyone,

I've never been a regular poster, but felt the need to come on here today. My sweet little guy had his first birthday on March 2nd. He was born at 34w4d and spent 3 weeks in RNICU for feeding issues.  Although he was relatively healthy for coming early, it was still a difficult time, made even worse by getting hit hard with ppd.  The first six months are kind of hazy.

Fast forward a year, and we have this fantastic little boy who is so happy and brings us joy each and every day. I was trying not to think back to one year ago, and to just focus on the present and how wonderful things are now.  And then I started to watch the American Chopper episode from a few weeks ago where Pauly starts making the bike for March of Dimes. And they filmed the RNICU where we spent so many hours and days (Sparrow Hospital).  And then I got all teary.  Especially since I know the family that they featured- the little guy who came 15 weeks early!  

I know this is kind of rambly, but I just wanted to share that I am so thankful for the care my son received when he was born.  For all of you on here who have babies in the NICU right now, my thoughts are with you.  For all of the nurses and docs who may be on here, thank you for taking care of our precious little ones when they are too fragile for us to bring them home with us.  And thank you March of Dimes for supporting our families and trying to find ways to help our babies.

Ok, goodnight and sweet dreams everyone. Thanks for listening. 

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