I actually know a guy named Kendall. Also, Novalee and Danica immediately make me think of Natalie Portman and Danica Patrick plus Kevin's GF Winnie from the Wonder Years. Phoenix is just wrong. It reminds me of Joaquin and Arizona.
Mj.reily- that was great! I especially loved the romance between Piper and Phoenix. I'm hooked, can I tune in next week to find out more about these characters?
I'm mostly down with what Mj said - though I think Kendall and Kason should date. I also don't like Piper or Phoenix and have a more negative view of them than Mj did. Pretty much agree with the rest..
Re: stereotype these names :)
I actually know a guy named Kendall. Also, Novalee and Danica immediately make me think of Natalie Portman and Danica Patrick plus Kevin's GF Winnie from the Wonder Years. Phoenix is just wrong. It reminds me of Joaquin and Arizona.
Girls names
Kendall - ditzy
Piper - sassy
Novalee (nova-lee) -
Jocelyn - friendly
Annika - Pretty and polite
Danica - practical and confident
Boys names
Christian - strict parents
Hudson - long hair
Phoenix - I hate this city... that's all I can think of
Lachlan - Irish and loud about it
Liam - NN for William, Willian = successful and happy
Kason - Parents need attention.
Girls names
Kendall-Spunky, artistic
Piper- Braty, stuck up.
Novalee (nova-lee)- Self absorbed
Jocelyn- DH says this is a stripper name. ha! I can't put my finger on it.
Annika-Confident, sometimes overzealous
Danica- Fun, nice to everyone.
Boys names
Christian - mellow
Hudson - abnoxious
Phoenix- dog name?
Lachlan- nerdy
Liam- strong, smart
Kason- all I think is sausage casing. sorry
Kendall- flirt
Piper- smart and sexy
Novalee (nova-lee)- eccentric, book worm
Jocelyn- cheerleader/girl next door
Annika- captain of the debate club
Danica- stuck up cheerleader
Boys names
Christian- the opposite of his name-- kind of a punk.
Hudson- snob- thinks he's the shiznit
Phoenix- sk8r boi
Lachlan- smart and sexy
Liam- boy next door
Kason- dumb jock
Kendall - Playmate
Piper - Spunky, fun
Novalee (nova-lee) - Unique
Jocelyn - Calm and collected
Annika - Wild
Danica - B*tchy (Sorry, the only Danica I knew was one)
Boys names
Christian - Cocky and egotistical
Hudson - Nice and strong willed
Phoenix - Unique, party type
Lachlan - Out there
Liam - Stylish, collected, popular
Kason - Bookworm, smart, observant
Kendall - smart, popular
Piper - spunky, outgoing
Novalee (nova-lee) - quiet, reserved
Jocelyn - nerdy
Annika - sweet, mild-tempered
Danica - spunky, trouble-maker
Boys names
Christian - goody two shoes
Hudson - handsome, chivalrous
Phoenix - geeky
Lachlan - manly, hoity toity
Liam - quiet, boring
Kason - hick-ish
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
Kendall - a kind of hyper, troublemaker child. I just hear the (youngish) parents yelling out, "Kendall! Kendall!" over and over again.
Piper - sweet, educated girl of hipster-ish parents
Novalee (nova-lee) - daughter of a teen mom who really loved "Where the Heart Is"
Jocelyn - probably an average girl, into dance or dress up
Annika - I picture this girl traveling a lot at a young age
Danica - sweet and shy, kind of like Winnie Cooper
Christian - the sporty guy
Hudson - troublemaker, kind of wild
Phoenix - a "free spirit" (read: undisciplined) child of hippie parents
Lachlan - a rough-and-tumble kid
Liam - an average boy, playing little league
Kason - a son of young parents
Girls names
Kendall - quiet and bookish, but sweet
Piper - independent, quirky, and fun
Novalee (nova-lee) - no connotation. probably offbeat loaner
Jocelyn - bitchy (bad connotation from personal experiences)
Annika - sophisticated parents, nice girl and with-it
Danica - country
Boys names
Christian - good looking, a little odd
Hudson - bully
Phoenix - artsy, quiet, off-beat
Lachlan - no connotation
Liam - nice, friendly kid
Kason - not too bright