Trying to Get Pregnant

Drink 'til it's pink ...and beyond?

Here's a interesting article on about drinking and pregnancy.  Not sure I agree and I know it's not worth the risk - but found it interesting.

Re: Drink 'til it's pink ...and beyond?

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    Wow, that's interesting.  I can't say that I agree.
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    hmmm- I'm still not taking any chances :)
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    I was just reading the article and though about posting too.
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    i have heard about this study before too, but i don't think i will be taking any chances either (when my time comes)
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    I'd rather be safe than sorry, but it is interesting
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    one or two drinks is not worth it! Some people.....phew!
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    GMA did something on this a while back too.  Something about 2 moms and one quit drinking totally when she got pg and the other drank a glass of wine 3-5 times a week.  She said something about "All things in moderation" but 3-5 times a week is NOT moderation.  You can google it if you want to read the whole thing

    I don't drink near as much as I used to, but I mostly did it because its expensive and I don't need to drink that often.  I'm not going to drink at all when I pg.

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    I have a friend who was pregnant in another country (I want to say Austria, it was def somewhere in Europe) and she had something happen where she needed to see a dr (nothing serious, I can't remember what it was) and the dr told her to relax and have a glass of wine. ?My friend said she was shocked but after talking to other women, I guess it is very common in Europe for pg women to drink occasionally. ?i don't think that I would ever take the change with my own baby, but I do think its interesting how different the perspectives are.
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    A lot of my friends had an occasional glass of wine in the 2nd & 3rd trimesters & they got the ok from their doctors.
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    A lot of my friends had an occasional glass of wine in the 2nd & 3rd trimesters & they got the ok from their doctors.

    Ditto, I've had plenty of friends have an occasional glass of wine during pregnancy and be fine. I also lived in europe where it was common to celebrate someones pregnancy by opening a bottle of champagne. I guess i'm used to it so I don't think its a huge deal. Now maybe if someone was out getting wasted I would think otherwise, but I don't think the occasional drink is going to hurt the baby.

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    I couldn't do it for two reasons.

    1. I'd feel so guilty that I wouldn't even enjoy the sip/drink that I was taking

    2. Some people would pass judgements

    Not worth it to me to risk harming an unborn child.

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    I'm not interested in taking a chance, but I also think there's a difference between having a drink multiple times a week and once to celebrate your BFP or like a wedding or something. A really special event I would find less worrisome than a pg women drinking each week.
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