Cloth Diapering

Swim CDs

Now that summer is right around the corner, how many swim cloth diapers are reasonable to have on hand? We most likely won't be swimming a lot, but will on vacation. Any thoughts? Also, any recommendations on specific dipes to look into?

Re: Swim CDs

  • We've just got one for now, but I think 2 would be a good number.

    I've got a Charlie Banana and it's fine.

  • Piggybacking on this question, but is there a OS swim diaper on the market?  My parents live at the beach, so it'd be in our best interest to get a swim diaper he could wear for a few years.
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  • Not sure about a one size swim diaper - you can always just use an empty pocket dipe though. The Finis swim dipes go on sale a lot on and If you subscribe or like them on FB you get daily updates so you know when the sales are! We used them on vacation and they really fit well (we didn't have any poops though, so I don't know how they'd perform with that). We also have an Imse Vimse swim diaper which is nice as well. HTH!
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  • I bought 1 name brand swim diaper and was ok with it.  Then I saw two cheapy ebay diapers I absolutley loved the print on so I bought them to use as a swim diapers.  The prints are awesome they fit better than the swim diaper does and if my daughter would happen to poo I think the pockets would hold it better than then swim diaper.  The swim diaper has a "mesh" in it, which i think would be nearly impossible to get all the poop out of.
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