We have a newborn and we've received a couple gifts for him. With my firstborn, I would sign thank you cards with: Love, DH, DBride2006 & DS.
Now that we have two boys... if the gifts is to DS#2, I feel weird signing it like above (leaving out DS#1), but if the gift was just for DS#2, it also seems odd to put DS#1s name on it.
Do you just sign it "DS#2" and not put the parents names on it?
Re: Thank you note etiquette (two kids)?
If I gave a baby a gift to a family, I wouldn't expect their parent to put the older child's name on the thank you note - or really notice, one way or another.
You may be overthinking this.
Usually I just signed from DH & I. For a few gifts that were more for the whole family I signed "love the Smith family"
And, as a side note, it is one of my pet peeves (albeit a silly one, I know) when people write thank you cards in the child's voice. Drives me nuts.