Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

After you miscarry naturally, when did you get your next period?

After you have a bleed of a natural miscarriage, when did you actually get your next bleed/period?    Was it a normal 28 day cycle after the bleed when you naturally miscarried?

Re: After you miscarry naturally, when did you get your next period?

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    My ob told me it could take up to six weeks to have a period after a miscarriage. He also alluded that it could take up to 3 months before your normal cycle comes back. Hope this helped.
    imagelogan and ruthieLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I think everyone has a different experience.  I had bleeding 4 weeks to the day (right on time), but then started bleeding again a week after it had stopped.  Oddly enough, since that first AF, my cycles have been very regular, whereas before my m/c I was highly irregular.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP#1 - 11/13/11, Natural MC - 12/24/11 at 12 weeks
    BFP#2 - 10/2/12, Please be our rainbow.
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    Based on when I ovulated, I'll be about 5 weeks.

    BPF 1. Baby Girl "Petri" 12/22/11 Said goodbye 12/27/11

    BPF 2. Baby Boy "Roo" 1/20/12 Heartbeat 160b/m 2/15/12 Said goodbye 2/20/12

    BPF 3. Rainbow Baby Boy "Creed"  4/28/12 Born healthy and alive 1/5/13

    BFP 4. "Rainbow 2.0" 8/17/14 due 4/28/15


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    Thank you for the responses.   
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    AF came for me about 5 weeks after confirmed MC, (3 weeks after my HCG reached 0) Everyone is different though, it's just a waiting game.  Good luck to you!

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    mine came right at 28 days... good luck to you!

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    after  I stopped bleeding, mine came back right on track.... very strange. It was about 3 weeks later.
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