
new here and a few questions :)

Hi ladies! I recently went through IVF and was lucky enough to have both embryos that they transferred stick! It's been quite a journey to get here so I'm thrilled (and scared too if I'm being completely honest:) of having not one, but TWO babies on the way!

I know it's still really really early in the game, but I have a few questions.

1) How early did you see heartbeats on an u/s? Did you see them both the same day? Did one take a little longer to be able to see than the other? I go in Monday for another u/s to hopefully see 2 really strong little heartbeats and preparing myself that it might still be too early to see one or both. Just curious of your experiences.

2) (This one will make me a total newb, but here goes... :)  I've been really bloated and already having a hard time fitting into my pants at only 6 weeks. When pregnant with twins (or more), how much earlier do you start showing do you think? I always thought I wanted to wait until the 12 week mark to say anything, but at the rate I'm going I feel like I won't be able to hide it much longer. Maybe it's all in my head, but I was just wondering how early you ladies started to show with your multiples. Does your belly grow twice as fast? (like I said, sorry...newb question)

3) Any suggestions you have for me for the first trimester? 

Hoping to be able to hang out here with you ladies for a nice long while. Big Smile

p.s. Happy St. Pat's!

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Re: new here and a few questions :)

  • Congrats!

    1. We saw two sacs and fetal poles at 5w4d and two heart beats at 6w5d.  My RE had me prepared that we might only see one or even none as it was still so early. 

    2. Has your RE checked your ovaries?  I had "mild" hyper stimulation on my right but it caused a lot of cramping and bloating very early on.  I was in maternity jeans by 8w.  I "showed" early but it was nasty bloat that eventually turned into a more realistic bump.  Looking back now I looked so small even though I felt huge! 

    3. Go easy on yourself!  You are going to have days where you're terrified and that's okay.  If you're tired then rest, if you're hungry then eat etc.  it sounds like simple advice but it's amazing how often we try to be super women and power through! 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
  • We saw both heartbeats at 6wks 0 days.Your uterus won't start to pop out of the pelvis until 10-12weeks (depending on your height/torso).We told our immediate families @10 weeks & everyone else at 12-13 weeks. My ovary measured 9 cm throughout the entire 1st trimester which also made me super bloated.I wore the belly band very early on (bought a black one & wore black shirts to hide it).I didn't need maternity clothes until 12-16 weeks but was able to hide my bump (wear a lab coat at work) from most peopleUntil about 24 weeks! Then, it became super Obvious & I couldn't hide it from anyone, but felt saferAfter hitting the viability mark anyway. Congrats!

    Wedding Fall 2007 Off OCP's since 9/08-started with BBT charts Saw Ob/gyn May 2009 Blood work normal except single copy of MTHFR Clomid 50mg May 2009 Clomid 50mg + IUI June 2009 Femara 5mg + IUI July 2009 Normal HSG July 2009 Femara 5mg + ovidrel+IUI August 2009 Femara 5mg +ovidrel + IUI September 2009 November 2009-normal lap December 2009-met with RE December/January-Injectible med cycle with IUI-Abnormal sperm morpology found-only 0-1% normal All Head defects. Jan/Feb 2010 1st IVF with ICSI-5 week chemical pregnancy :( Feb 2010-male infertility doc says DH's anatomy and blood work are normal so nothing he can do. :( FET July 2010-BFP! Twin m/c @ 5.5 wks :( Dec/Jan 2011 IVF #2 Only 4 eggs retrieved-Ganirelix dose messed up BFFN Feb/March 2011 IVF #3 ER 3/9 9 eggs, 7 fertilized, ET 3/14, No frosties. BFN IVF #4 ER 8/22 9R,7F ET 8/25-3 embies, 1 frostie! Beta 9/2= 54, 9/6=274, 9/8=625, 9/12=2953, 9/16 greater than 10,000. B/G TWINS born April 2012 @ 36wks & 1 day! July 2014-going back for the frozen embryo! ET 7/28, heartbeat seen at 6wks1day with SCH. Miscarriage confirmed at 6wks4days

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    i don't think i heard the heartbeats until later... maybe 10  weeks?

    i was showing pretty early at about 10 weeks.  i didn;t want to tell anyone until 12 weeks (since we went through IF treatments as well) .  It was very hard to hide it for a couple of weeks!

    my first trimester was very easy luckily.

    image image
                      Ayden & Sydney
  • Mrs.Lee and Missa - yes my RE checked me OHSS and I have it. I feel like such a newbie because I just didn't know how much of my belly was from that or if since there's two in there the belly is growing at superhuman pace! Haha Sounds like from what you all are saying that I'm just bloated still.

    Thank you all so much for the welcome and the responses!

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  • Welcome and congratulations! I love IVF success stories!! I'm pretty sure we saw both heartbeats at either 6w or 7w. My RE did weekly U/S from 5 weeks + and I'm pretty sure it was at 6w we saw little heartbeats.

    You might still be bloated from all your IVF meds which is why you have a little bump! I wouldn't be surprised - they really load you up on injects for IVF! Wait until the morning sickness kicks in...your bump will go down, lol! I actually lost 10 lbs in the 1st tri. I think I didn't really start showing until 18-20 weeks.

    If/when you get bad morning sickness, ask for zofran. it worked very well for me but also gave me TERRIBLE constipation! So take some colace or something with it! 

     Congrats again!

    photo 41f1f21b-fd5b-40ab-bc31-76a13e270270_zpscf391ac9.jpg
    After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Baby Girl #3!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • congratulations, and welcome!

    1) at 6w I had some spotting and couldn't even find one heartbeat, but at 7weeks we found 2! (which is when we found out it was twins)

    2) Because we were so completely shocked, we told all of our family and friends at that point. I was average weight before, and I started showing around 8weeks, I know it was mostly bloat then, and not babies, but, I still had a bulge that wasn't previously there. I'd say by 10 weeks, I was 100% in maternity pants, mostly for comfort. I could have squeezed into my regular pants a bit longer with a belly band, but I wanted to get the most use out of my maternity wardrobe anyways, so I made the jump to those pretty quick. I am a teacher and waited until 12 weeks to tell my students (high school) and they all were like, "yea, we thought that already but didn't want to be rude" lol.  I've read as a general rule of thumb you will measure and show 6-8 weeks bigger than you are. For me, it's been consistently about 8 weeks ahead. 

    3) my advice is to buy your maternity clothes bigger than you think you will need them, to get more use out of them. Also, try to drink lots of water, rest, put your feet up, and get a good book on multiples, Like Dr. Barbara Luke. All you can do is relax and let the babies grow =) 

    also, stay away from Dr. Google, it's evil.

     take it easy and congratulations again!



    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

  • Congrats!!! and Welcome! I definately had a ton of bloat! I didn't go into maternity clothes until 15 weeks, and kicked myself for waiting so long!

    We heard the heatbeats early on 6 weeks 5 days.

    Keep up on the water!

  • Yeah for another MIzzou fan here!! I am still sick about last night. Congrats on your BFP!!

    1.) we saw the heartbeats at 6 weeks.

    2) I lost 16lbs uring the 1st tri & have gained 5 of that back because I got so sick at 6 weeks till about 15 weeks. I am smaller with the twins then I was with my DS. You will start to measure ahead but later on.

    Do you have a MFM doc in Columbia? My OB is in Jeff but I head up to Columbia for my extra monitoring.

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  • imageCourtneySue:

    Yeah for another MIzzou fan here!! I am still sick about last night. Congrats on your BFP!!

    1.) we saw the heartbeats at 6 weeks.

    2) I lost 16lbs uring the 1st tri & have gained 5 of that back because I got so sick at 6 weeks till about 15 weeks. I am smaller with the twins then I was with my DS. You will start to measure ahead but later on.

    Do you have a MFM doc in Columbia? My OB is in Jeff but I head up to Columbia for my extra monitoring.

    I love me some Mizzou fans! Big Smile That game was definitely a tough pill to swallow that's for sure. Norfolk played the game of their lives though. I would have wanted them to win if it didn't mean them beating us...haha. Their coach looked like he could have hugged everyone in the arena after that game!

    I'm actually in the St. Louis area now. I went to Mizzou for undergrad, but had to move back home after school since that's where I got a job. I would have loved to stay in CoMo. I miss it so much it hurts sometimes! Especially Shakespeare's! Pizza

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  • Congrats! that is so exciting! Our first u/s was at 7.5 weeks, and we heard both heart beats. At about 8 weeks, i had to start wearing a bella band because my pants were so tight!

    So excited for you and welcome! 

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  • We didn't get to hear but saw both heartbeats at 6 weeks. At our next ultrasound at 8 weeks we heard them.

    I have been measuring my belly along with taking pictures every week since week 6. I have remained the same until just this week at 16 weeks. I was so bloated for so long! Once it left my baby belly replaced it.

    BabyFruit Ticker

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