Trying to Get Pregnant

I really need to sign up for a text messaging plan

this pay as you go stuff is getting expensive!

Re: I really need to sign up for a text messaging plan

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    I had pay as you go until one month when I was an insane texter and it cost about 75 bucks. After that I sprung for the unlimited - much cheaper imho...
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    I go through my 200 messages so fast that DH is threating to get me a phone that doesn't do it!  I would rather text than talk.
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    When I got this plan, I wasn't a huge texter, so I didn't feel the need to get the unlimited.  Now, it seems like I never use my minutes anymore because I'm always texting (even though I'm slow)!  Ugh, I'm getting sick of the high bills...I think it's time to make a change :)

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    yeah when I got a phone with a qwerty keyboard I got an unlimited package because I use so many now


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    Yeah definitely get a plan. I think i pay 4 or 5 bucks for 250 and unlimited picture w/ Verizon.
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    unlimited comes with my plan, I have a family plan with 4 phones.
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    Oh yea, I did that years ago I couldn't even imagine what my bill would be without it.
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