DH has loved the name Hayden ever since watching Coach as a kid. Now with all the ...aiden trends, it seems to have been drug through the muck a little. While I don't like all of the spin-offs, to me Hayden is still a very manly, almost old man sort of name. Do you think it will always seem like a trendy name now, or will it gain its classic status again?
(and just for reference, Hayden Fox from Coach was taken from Hayden Frye, a famous college football coach. Both were with a y.)
Re: Will Hayden ever weather the storm?
I have always loved the name Hayden and I don't associate it with the aiden trend, other people do though. Very masculine, solid name IMO.
It was on my top 10 list
I don't think Hayden is trendy name. It's been around since the 1800's. It's more popular now of course, but there are more kids born now than ever so most names will trend upward.
If you two love the name then go for it.
Yep. The first Hayden I think of is the actress.
Proud Mama to cleft cutie
Baby Girl Lennon born sleeping 6-18-11 Baby Boy Anderson born healthy and happy 8-17-12
Yep this. A little girl in Kellan's swim class is named Hayden.
To me Hayden has never been in the trendy category. It is a family name passed down for at least the past 130 years- I am the fourth/fifth generation in a row with the middle name Hayden. My son will also get the middle name Hayden.
I love the name! I also remember the reference to Coach... it came up a few times when I was younger. So if you and your H love the name then use it! The trend will fade. They all do with time.
My DH's niece is actually named Hayden, and she is named after Hayden Fry since her mom is a giant Hawkeye fan. not sure how my BIL said yes to that since he and DH's family are giant Cyclone fans! (both the main college team rivals in Iowa for those who may not know).
It may not be one of my top picks, but honestly once you name your child, any prior references will go out the window and you will primarily know that name first as your child.
Good luck!
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