Blended Families


WOWWWWW. DH is on a series of work trips.  He was flying in from LA today and will be in Houston next week so I was planning to test all weekend so if it was a BFP it would be while he was home.  I got a faint line on two tests so I busted out the digital and got another positive.  I think I yelled "oh my god" 5-10 times then I ran out and got a onesie and wrapped it in a gift bag.  I gave it to DH when he got home and he said "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!!"  And gave me a big hug.  He said he was starting to get nervous which is rediculous because this is our second cycle TTC Hmm

The kids will be here for spring break the first week of April and then the next time we see them in person is summer break.  I know I'll be super early on but DH doesn't want to tell them over the phone or wait until late June so I guess we'll tell them in 2 weeks.  We are going to let them tell our parents. 

I can't believe this!

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Re: BFP!!!!!

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