Trying to Get Pregnant

Poor little Kids

... aren't going to have any halloween candy because I am eating it all right now!!! Looks like I have to go out and buy more before DH gets home. I don't want to be found guilty Embarrassed

Re: Poor little Kids

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    I know. I bought some for my residents today and I have been eating it all day. I loooove Bit O honeys.. lol
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    I made the mistake of buying two bags of my favorite candy about a month ago so we would "already have it" for today. Yeh... we don't have it anymore. :(
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    I bought my candy last week. The snickers and reeses have slowly been disappearing. 
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    There are zero laffy taffy and milk duds in my house. I believe the cats must have ate them...Embarrassed
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    yum laffy taffy!!
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    That's why I'm handing out Play Dough this year.  I'm always sooo tempted to sample the candy.
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    That's why I'm handing out Play Dough this year.  I'm always sooo tempted to sample the candy.

    Thats a good idea!!

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    I keep trying to pick my favorite candies off the bottom of the bowl so that when DH gets home he won't notice the obvious absence of the mini Hershey bars with the almonds in them. Embarrassed
                                     **DS 12/17/10** **#2 Due 2/14/15**

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    yum,laffy taffy!! it's my favorite too, mrsbro!
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    That's why I'm handing out Play Dough this year.  I'm always sooo tempted to sample the candy.

    Thats a good idea!!

    It does sound like a great idea but the problem with it is if we don't get enough kids come to our house,  I'll have a bunch of containers of play dough left over.  That's not as fun as having left over Halloween candy.  I'll have to get creative with what to do with the left over play dough.

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