Trying to Get Pregnant

For those of you who've been trying for a while

Are you all finding it hard to keep motivated? In the last cycle or 2, I've been forgetting to take my PNVs, B6 and EPO. I usually start temping after AF goes away, and I'm on CD 11 and haven't started for this cycle (i usually O on CD 15-17). I just feel burnt out and I don't know how to "snap out of it." I know I haven't been trying as long as some of you (I'm on cycle 7), but I wondering if any of you have experienced these feelings? And what you did to keep energized on your TTC journey?
2.5 yrs TTC #1 - DX = Stage IV Endo, Lap performed Jan 2010
TTC #1 - May 2010 - IUI #3: BFP 
TTC #2 - May 2012 -IUI #2: BFP
TTC #3 - Jan 2013 -Surprise BFP!
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Re: For those of you who've been trying for a while

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    Well with DD, it took 10 full cycles... by 6 or 7 I was getting antsy... but I decided at cycle 9 that I would just let go the next cycle and let it happen when it was meant to.... the next cycle I got pg.  This time around, we are on cycle 7 too... I am just starting to get antsy again, but I know if we just try to be as patient as possible, it will happened when it is meant to.
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    I am on cycle #6 but on month 8 of TTC. I am having the same type of feelings as you are. I have pretty much just told myself to hold out until Feb. when I have my next annual exam and at that time, if nothing has happened, we'll take some further steps. It won't be a year quite yet in Feb. but since I've been charting almost the entire time, I will have a lot to share with the doctor. Keep your spirits up and know that you're not the only one that feels like that.
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    I think it's totally normal to feel antsy, there are many of us who didn't get luck on the first few trys. Try to stay as positive as possible & just keep trying, this is what I tell myself:) Good Luck!
    Mommy to Catherine 5/19/2005 & Ryan 8/22/2009 My Blog
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    I know the feeling. I stopped temping after I confirmed O and don't think I'm going to chart next cycle if my period comes. I think I need a cycle of not checking/recording anything. We also have a ton on our plate right now though (with job searching (my H), transfers (me), and house selling) that is making me not focus all my efforts on TTC right now.


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    I'm on cycle 8 month 10.  Its been a struggle to keep remembering its all for a good reason.  I've changed a few things that I used to do (like drinking a lot, staying up too late, etc) in hopes that it will help, but yea, I feel sad about it a lot of days.  Its just the nature of the beast.

    I used green tea, Vitex, baby asprin, and PNV this cycle.  I also didn't temp until about 3 days before O, but used OPKs.

    I just try to keep remembering why I'm putting myself through this "stress" and that it will happen in God's time.

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    I know the feeling. This past Saturday, it was 23 months trying for us.

    I think not temping this cycle might be a good idea since you have't temped at all this far. Take this cycle as a laid back cycle and use the time to be with H and just have sex just for the fun of it, do something relaxing for yourself, and do some soul searching. I find that doing that helps center me and gives me a fresh perspective when I start going crazy.


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    Ditto pp.  I'm on cycle 5, month 6.  I haven't been trying as long as some girls on here, but I feel the stress of TTC a lot. 

    I went to my dr. this month and she came up with some deadlines for me that have really helped shape my perspective.  She is doing testing on me this month, and if I'm not pg by Jan, then testing on DH.

    I feel less stressed with a time frame to go by, instead of just looking out into the future with no end in sight to the process. 

    PCOS, lupus anticoagulant, MTHFR (A1298C, one copy) 2 IUIs & 1 IVF = BFN FET#1 = It's a girl! Born 7.1.10 FET#2 = c/p FET#3 = Twin girls! Born on 3.16.12 at 33w2d due to severe pre-E. After 4 weeks in the NICU they are home! Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I just wanted to give you some advice.  It took dh and I 2 years to the month to conceive.  We were just about to start infertility treatments.  Keep your heads up and stay positive.  Remember it can take a normal healthy couple 12 months to conceive. 

    I didn't start temping until we were about 7 months into ttc, tried it for 6 then quit for 6 until my dr wanted me to start again. 

    Good luck to you.

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    I've totally had those feelings.

    We are supposed to have sex the morning after our IUI day.   Well, that meant I would have to wake up around 4:30 to catch DH before he got up at 5am for work.  I was so tired and really really really uninterested in it.    I came thisclose to saying "fuuck it".

    In the end, I got it done - and it helped that DH was extra romantic-ish, and didn't do his groggy "you do all that work" thing.

    TTC#1 Chart
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    IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
    IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09) AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
    beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
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    I am on cycle 14, today marks one year since coming off the pill. I have been charting for 4 cycles now, and I must say that last spring I kind of felt funky about the whole process.  Since I started charting I have had a new energy about it.  I also have an amazing NP who is willing to work with me!
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    Thanks girls for all the advice and support. I really helps to know I am not the only one with these sort of feelings!
    2.5 yrs TTC #1 - DX = Stage IV Endo, Lap performed Jan 2010
    TTC #1 - May 2010 - IUI #3: BFP 
    TTC #2 - May 2012 -IUI #2: BFP
    TTC #3 - Jan 2013 -Surprise BFP!
    Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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