We are having the hardest time coming up with a girl name that we both agree on. DD is named Grace, which we both loved from the beginning, but we were having a heck of a time finding another girl name for this one (if she is, in fact, a she--we're team green. If its a boy, he'll be named Luke.)
I have to say, I know I'm very particular about the sound of names...for a girl I do not want any two syllable names and it can't end in an "a" sound b/c our last name begins with A and I don't like how it rushes together. Yeah, that just eliminated like 90% of the girl names...
Anyway, we decided a few days ago that we both like the name Felicity, but it just dawned on me that it's another noun-trait type of name (like Hope, Joy, Faith, etc.) and now I'm wondering if it's just going to sound too cutesy to have sisers named Grace and Felicity...WDYT?
Re: Is this too cutesy?
Thanks for the feedback...I think I didn't really think about it being a trait name until I was looking up meanings and such...
I just saw another post below about the name Felicity...kind of funny to see it twice so close together.
I agree.
I'm with this too. They're fine together.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
BFP on 5/3/12 - EDD 1/12/13 - Samuel Joseph born 1/5/13!
love love love Felicity.
love love love Grace.
Awesome Sister Names!!!
Burned by the Bear
Chemical Pregnancy