What did you do with all your sonos? Obviously, with the exception of the first ultrasound or two, the sonos that were given to us show only the individual babies. Did you just put each baby's sonos in their respective baby book? Did you make copies to keep for yourself? What about the ones that show both of them?
I feel like I already have a small stack of sonos just sitting around. I can't imagine how many more we'll end up with---not that I'm complaining.
Re: Sonograms
I currently have an envelope filled with photos and DVDs from DS1, and am working on another envelope for the twins... not very creative. I haven't given this much thought yet, I guess I should.
I bought a baby books for DS1 and filled out maybe 2 pages, and now I can't even remember when he hit his milestones... I'm a bad mommy.....