I'm a SAHM, which I enjoy for the most part. But, my husband works from home a lot- it seems to be about three days a week and it is driving me out of my mind. He's in corporate sales and has to go out to meetings at times but much of his job can be done through conference calls or online. When he's home he doesn't help at all with the house or kids although not having any commute gives him a good amount of free time. I keep encouraging him to go into the corporate office- which is about 25 mins away, to work, but he prefers being at home. I need my space. I can't handle being with my husband all the time. But, maybe I'm being unreasonable b/c I know plenty of women struggle with the opposite problem- having a husband who is deployed or who works really long hours away from home. But, I'm wondering if most people would enjoy being home everyday with their spouse?
Nadia Irene 8/13/07
Reid Owen 8/18/09
Re: Could you be home with your spouse every day?
I have this exact problem too- he'll get all worked up about something and get mad at the kids and I have to deal with the fall-out. And he'll be annoyed if he's on a call and they are making noise. I always feel like "Where should I take them- this is their house! Can I take them into the corporate office for a while so it's quiet for you??" Argh. It is driving me insane.
THIS TIMES A MILLION! I love my DH to pieces, but DD and I have a routine that works great for us and weekends just kind of throw a kink in things. My MIL and I often talk about how Monday is our favorite day of the week. DD doesn't even go to school of Mondays (just half days on Tues and Thurs), but her and I get into our little groove and it is so nice.
DD #2 - 03.13
Big ol' ditto!
Well it sounds like you think he could help out more and he doesn't so yeh, i would find that very frustrating too. Have you addressed that with him yet? Why doesn't he help? I would start making "honey do" lists for him probably if I thought he wasn't pulling his weight and have a little talk. Maybe he can set more specific hours when he works and then when he's done, he takes the kids or helps you more. And maybe pick one day a week where you leave him with the kids and you can go out for some alone time, get your nails done, go to the gym, etc. I think you would then feel much better about the situation.
good luck!
Christmas 2011
DH's job is actually based out of a different state than we live in, so it's either extreme for us. He's either completely out of the house 4 days of the week, or he's home all week, working out of his home office in the basement.
He's been home for 2 weeks, which has been nice. However there can be a fine line when we cross over to that sketchy area of being around each other too much all day. We're starting to argue over who gets what leftovers for lunch, silly little things that happen when you are bouncing off each other all the time. A little space will be nice come Monday!!
If your H is busy working from home, I wouldn't be bothered that he wasn't helping with LOs... I could handle my H working from home a few days a week, we love being together, but I guess its not the same for everyone - don't get me wrong, I love having my free time all alone throughout the week, but I'd love to get a few days where he was home more than just at dinner time and until the next morning.
Maybe you should sit down and talk with him about how you feel with him being home...? It wouldn't hurt anything.
It bugs me when we just stay home on weekends. I could not handle in the house every day.
Me too. I've experienced both. Sometimes I only see my DH once a month. And other times he's home all the time. There's pros and cons to both.
...baby #3 is here...