
Vent about my mom

She worries so much and will not just relax. This time it's beginning to get downright insulting as though I'm completely inept:


DD and I are traveling this weekend - 3 hour flight to see a friend. DH is staying home. Yes, it will probably be a bit hectic for me but I've planned for everything. Getting dropped off at airport, DD in umbrella stroller, diaper bag over shoulder/stroller, car seat strap over the luggage handle and pull the luggage. Checkin is really close to the doors and worst case I could get one of those guys with carts to help.


My mother will not stop telling me that I shouldn't go, and that single moms that travel with DC do it out of necessity and it's not smart, etc. She has asked if I can make advance arrangements with the airline for my carseat (umm, like checking it?) and just now emailed to tell me that I should see if they will let my DH park, come in with me and go through security and to the gate with me since I'm traveling with a baby. Wtf? By then I will have DD, a stroller and a diaper bag. I carry more when we go shopping! She also seems convinced that I'll be unable to use a restroom with DD (like I don't do this all the time) and reminded me again not to just hand my DD to a stranger to watch while I pee. WTF? Do I seem like a complete and utter moron?

Re: Vent about my mom

  • Lol, tell her I traveled alone with a 22 month old and 9 month old, double stroller, car seat, diaper bag and snack/toy bag...and we had 3 layovers!

    You'll be fine!

    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • LOL!  I always had DS to a stranger while I pee at the airport!!  j/k.  Just make sure you pee before you get on the plane - I tried to pee once in the plane with DS and it was not the easiest excersize!

    Your mom probably just worried, but it sounds like she's getting a little overbearing.  Just try to let all that roll off your back and do what you need todo.

    I fly a lot with Lucas by myself and we've got a great rhythm now.  Actually I don't think I've ever flown with DS & MH at the same time.  So, see, if I can do it, you can do it for sure!

    Are you flying out of Sky Harbor?  We fly SWA all the time and have always had great experience with the TSA guys there at Terminal 4.  Generally they're pretty helpful (always unfold my stroller for me after it goes through the x-ray machine, etc), but just remember to take off your DD's shoes - I didn't do it once and heard all about it.

    Good luck!

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  • I fly alone with DS all the time.  My mom always makes comments about how she is amazed and she could never do it.  FWIW most airlines with give your DH as pass to go through security with you if you ask them nicely.  They offered it to us once and we took them up just for the little extra help.  But even if you don't it is a little stressful but totally doable by yourself.
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  • Mags, yup Sky Harbor although we're US Airways (thats where all of my miles are due to work). I toyed with the idea of bringing her nicer stroller but think I'll just stick to the cheapy umbrella one. The shoe thing for DD at least seems a little more normal now that she can walk. I remember flying with her when she was maybe 3 months old and having to take off her little shoes, it just seemed silly.


    Oh and DH is golfing immediately after dropping us off so he won't be accompanying us to the gate anyhow.

  • ahhh...... are you describing my mother?


    My mom thinks I (1) can't dress my children. She always comments that it's cold outside and if I have two layers on them, she'll put a third layer no matter what. Even a second pair of socks.

    If she's babysitting, I sometimes find my kids so bundled up, they can't move. And she's sitting with short sleeves... wtf?

    (2) she won't stop telling me what to do. She has to comment on every single little thing when she's around and it is SO IRRITATING!

    I am so with you... it's irritating beyond irritating. I've gotten upset at her. I told her that she hurts my feelings and makes me feel like a moron.....  it's just her nature though and she can't help it. DH keeps telling me to  ignore it and I am really trying, but it's not working too well.

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