Trying to Get Pregnant

Anovulatory Appt?

So, I have been off the pill for four months and have not ovulated yet. I called by ob/gyn and she wants me to come in on Monday for a chat and some tests. Do ya'll have any idea of what kind of tests they'll do for this? I've googled and read over everything TCOYF says about anovulation but can't find any specifics on diagnosing the problem, only on treatments.?

Re: Anovulatory Appt?

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    What about PCOS, any of those symptoms?
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    they'll test your hormone levels to rule out any problems like PCOS. but more than likely you'll just need to be put on provera to bring on your period.


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    probably some b/w.  Maybe an u/s to see if there is anything going on with your follies (but maybe not depending on the doc)
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    I don't have any symptoms of PCOS, and I get my period, just no o.
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    They might do an ultrasound to check for cysts and do some bloodwork.
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    when they had me in they did a b/w work up and scheduled an u/s.

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    Hi! My doctor had me come in twice. The first time we just talked. I showed her my charts and she asked what had been going on in my life since I went off the pill- I told her I had started a new job the same week I went off the pill, etc. We discussed my weight and exercise habits, etc. Then she told me to abstain from unprotected sex for 10 days and to come back in for tests. you have to abstain b/c they need to be sure you aren't pg before you start taking provera.

    so I went back in 10 days later, they took b/w to test LH and FSH and prolactin and estrogen, to see if there are any thryoid issues and I had an u/s. My obgyn did not suggest the u/s but I asked for it b/c I wanted to know right off the bat if I had any abnormal cysts. Everything came back normal and I took provera.

    Things may be different for you bc you've been getting your period every month but are not o'ing- it's different for me (I am getting neither). Usually when women don't O right off the pill its b/c their cycle has not yet reset, but since you're getting your period, it sounds like at least part of your cycle has reset, but not the whole thing. don't freak out by what I;m saying, I'm not a doc and have no idea what is bad or good, I'm just wondering how your situation will differ from mine since you already are getting your period. 

    oh they will also want to know about how long you've been on the pill and what your cycles were like before pill.

    sorry for the book. HTH.

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    ps just looked at your chart-you had a big spike! Maybe you O'd!
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    How do you know you are not ovulating?  I looked at your chart and you got a + opk, I know that doesn't guarantee anything but it is a start plus the temp spike which may also indicate an o - you would have to wait a few more days for that though.  How long have you been charting? 

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    I agree with PP that you may have O'd this cycle. On a side note, having just come off the pill, it could take some time for things to shake out. That said, your doctor will run bloodwork to test various horomone levels for pcos, ovulation and thyroid issues. Doc may or may not do an ultrasound. My did not after seeing my bloodwork. Good luck!
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    Thanks Becky! I will let you know how it goes!

    ?I'm hoping the spike is o related, but I had one earlier this month, too. My temps just seem pretty jumpy. I have charted for three and a half months. The + opk was super light, so I am kind of iffy about it.?

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    Jessica, other things to think about: are you under a ton of stress? are you underweight? do you diet? these have all been issues for me....I was underweight until maybe 6 months ago, over exercised, withheld calories, etc. All of these can really affect your cycle too.

    BTW google "whole milk and fertility" and you'll find a study about women drinking whole milk reducing their likelihood of anovulation. I have started drinking a glass of WHOLE milk every morning. We'll see what happens.

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