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Post-partum foot pain?

My feet hurt every morning when I get up, and I think I can trace it back to just after Finn was born.  I'm fine all day, then go to bed, and when I get up (either in the morning or the middle of the night), my feet KILL me when I start walking on them.  It goes away by the time I've gotten as far as the kitchen.  The pain is mainly on the top of my feet, close to my ankle, but I also feel it throughout my foot

What's up with that?  I did a quick Google search and found others who have experienced the same, but no real answers.  At first I thought it was b/c of all the time I spent in our rocker/swivel chair while on my maternity leave, since I usually have just my toes on the ground while sitting in it (so, it's kind of like walking on my tiptoes b/c I'm putting weight on them).  But I've been back to work for almost a week now and am still experiencing it.

The only time I notice anything other than in the morning is when I stretch my feet, do circles with them, etc. - they feel stiff and sore.  I think it's in the ligaments.

Has anyone dealt with the same? Do you know what it is, and how to treat it?


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Re: Post-partum foot pain?

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    I had it really bad and just shrugged it off to being on bedrest before the kids were born. But after about six months it got really bad and my wrists starting hurting, too. I went to my dr and was referred to a rheumatologist. I've since been dx with RA. 

    Not saying that is what you have, but I was told that RA comes on often in the postpartum period. If it persists call your dr. 

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    Sounds like plantar fasciitis. I got it after DS was born and unfortunately it hasnt' fully resolved. Best thing to do is try to stretch your feet before stepping out of bed. This helps to loosen things up. Bend your foot forward and backward and hold it for a good stretch.
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    Now that you mention it I think I did go through that.  I definitely went through a period where my feet would kill me when I first woke up in the morning for the walk to the bathroom...and I think it may have been right after G was born.  No other ideas or advice though...

    For me, I have such badly swollen feet while pregnant that I might make the link there but....if you didn't have that then I guess that theory goes out the window.

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    Yes!! OMG i thought i was just getting arthritis in my feet but it seemed to line up with after eli was born....either i thought i was just too fat or arthritic   its so interesting to hear others have this.   i'm a year and a half out and its just now getting better.
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    OMG, I totally had this!  So glad to hear others did, as well.  I could NOT figure out what was causing it.  It started right after LO's were born.  And it only hurt when I got up during the night and early in the morning.  My pain was more on the outer edges of my feet.  But, oh how it hurt.  Mine probably lasted until 8-9 mos PP.  I never mentioned it to my OB, or thought that it was PP related, but seems as though it might have been, hearing others' stories.
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    Sounds like plantar fasciitis. I got it after DS was born and unfortunately it hasnt' fully resolved. Best thing to do is try to stretch your feet before stepping out of bed. This helps to loosen things up. Bend your foot forward and backward and hold it for a good stretch.

    Same here. I ended up with it as a result of extended bedrest. It took about 18 months of PT to resolve itself, and now I can keep it at bay by doing at home exercises.

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    I didn't have any issues with my feet, but I have stiffness in my hands and wrists in the morning and in the middle of the night.  It's not painful really, more annoying than anything.

    I have never heard of it happening with feet, but it sounds like you are not alone!

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    Wow, I can't believe I got so many responses!  I was afraid it was just some wacky thing!

    I realized last night that the pain is also on the outer edge of my foot, like someone else described.

    I found plantar fasciitis in my Google search, but everything I read said it was usually a sharp pain in your heel, which I don't have at all.

    I also just read about flat feet.  Wonder if that's it?

    Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
    LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
    LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
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    I had that for months after the boys were born.  I finally saw a podiatrist and a round with anti inflammatories really helped.


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    I had this too and was tested for RA which was negative. Once I started wearing shoes again more consistently the pain went away. I think they started hurting about 4 months PP, I got the RA test done about 8 months PP and my feet have been feeling good since about 15-16 months PP. Honestly, I think wearing shoes daily was the most help.....and possibly time....
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