Baby Names

Need some help with baby girl names! PLEASE!

Well, fellow bumpies...the Hubs and I found out just today that we're having what appears to be a little girl! (as in our midwife had to come to the conclusion that unless our baby is a tiny Houdini and hiding some boy parts like a pro, it must by a girl in there!) Big Smile

We are of course, beyond excited...but were so sure (as was everyone around us, I might add!) that we were having a boy, that we have done NOTHING with our rough list of girl names in ages! Huh?

We had two different boys names picked out, done and done. And with the genetics of nearly all boys in my Husband's family, we figured it was a safe bet...

Guess my side of the family, with mostly girls scattered around won out! Crazy!

So anyway, let me know what you all think of my little list of girl's names...please, please, please!:










- middle names would be either Rose or MacKenzie (my middle name!) ;)


Also, I should mention that my Husband and I live and love in Norway. Our baby will be born and raised here, and speak predominately Norwegian. (Of course she will be fluent in English as well, with an American-born mama!)

This really does effect our decisions. Just because any/all little ones to come will have to deal with half their family pronouncing their names one way, and the the half in yet another way.

Names need to of course be bare-bones sort of pronounceable for peoples of both nationalities.

Sorry if it's a tall order, bumpies, but I would REALLY appreciate some feedback on these names!

I'm not due until August, but a HUGE planner, and freaking out that we don't have our daughter's name narrowed down at all!

Thank you for the help!

(p.s. - as far as further suggestions go: we're up for them in general. Our 'style' is unique, preferably not super popular, but also not over-the-top unique where our daughter will be weirded out in our little neck of the Scandinavian woods.)

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Re: Need some help with baby girl names! PLEASE!

  • Love Avery ! That is on our list, as well as Mackenzie. 

    I really like Avery Rose. I love the name for a little girl, but I think it needs to be paired with a very feminine MN (ours is Avery Marie Elizabeth)

    I also like Ainsley Rose.

    Because of both names ending with the -ee sound, Mackenzie does not flow well IMO.

    Lincoln is not a 'unisex' name IMO, its all boy.

    The others are OK names, just NMS.

    Good luck and congrats on a little girl !! 

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  • I love Lincoln and Aurelia!

    The names are all pretty but some are definitely very popular right now, like Avery.  


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  • I really like Lyra the best, but most of your names are very pretty.  I'm just not big on the idea of naming a little girl Lincoln.
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  • Congrats on the girl!


    Lincoln- 100% a boy's name. I really hate it on a girl and it is definitely a black sheep on your list of lovely feminine names.

    Ainsley- like

    Avery- NMS, too trendy

    Lyra- Love! Uncommon but not too weird, and easy to pronounce.

    Aurelia- ok 

    Aurora- Very nice, like this one a lot too  

    Arabella- NMS but ok

    Eleanor- like it a lot. It is becoming increasingly popular here, but I don't think that would affect you in Norway. 

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  • For heaven's sake, there is no reason to beg.  

    I really like Eleanor and for some odd reason I like Ainsley and Lyra too. 


    Lincoln and Avery boys names. 


    Aurelia, Aurora, and Arabella are NMS. Nothing to side eye you over, but nothing I'd pick.  

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  • Just my personal opinion, but the following absolutely scream "I'm American" to me, and I wouldn't use them if I was raising/schooling my kid abroad:




    These, however, might work:






    Eleanor is the only one that's my style, but think you could get away with the others. Honestly, I'd lean toward more overtly classic with bare-bones pronunciation (like you mentioned above) if I were in your shoes. WDYT of Clara, Emily, Margot, Ava, Anna, Claire, Evelyn, Catherine, etc.? GL!

  • imagekirstinmb:

    Lincoln - I thought you were having a girl? This is a boy name

    Ainsley - Love

    Avery - Eh, overdone a few years ago, never really understood why

    Lyra - No

    Aurelia - Eh

    Aurora - Love

    Arabella - NMS, but not bad

    Eleanor - NMS

    - middle names would be either Rose or MacKenzie (my middle name!) ;)

    Other suggestions: Isla, Marcella, Piper, Kendall, Giovanna, Maeve, Cadence, Wren, Carissa, Camille, Daphne, Veronica, Vanessa, Celeste, Isadora, Lorelai, Penelope, Willa, Stella, Clara, Eugenia, Audra, Lucia, Genevieve, Lyla

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  • Congratulations on the little girl!

    Lincoln - Really dislike this for either gender, but this is definitely not for a girl

    Ainsley - Not a fan

    Avery - prefer on a boy, but it's cute on a girl too

    Lyra - This is pretty

    Aurelia - Love this

    Aurora - I want to like this, but it doesn't really roll off the tongue and is kind of cutsey.

    Arabella - Not a fan

    Eleanor - LOVE!

    I'd vote:

    1. Aurelia (because I really don't hear it enough)

    2. Eleanor

    3. Lyra

    4. Avery

    GL choosing (and don't worry, you've got time!!)

  • Eleanor Rose is lovely.

    Seriously, anything but Lincoln.

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    Avery is my fav.



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  • Aurora and eleanor are nice the rest not so much

    lincoln is horrible for a girl and so is ainsley and avery

  • I think Lyra Rose, Eleanor Rose, or Aurora Rose would be beautiful!  Aurelia is a gilty pleasure name for me, but I don't like that some have trouble pronouncing it.  If you think you could get away with it, Aurelia Rose would be lovely too.  Avery, Lincoln, etc are NMS.
  • Aurora Rose.

    I think Lincoln for a girl is dreadful.

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  • Lincoln - this sounds totally boy and I don't know how it would translate well in Norway

    Ainsley - pretty with Rose

    Avery - pretty with Rose

    Lyra - not a fan

    Aurelia - pretty with Rose

    Aurora - pretty with rose

    Arabella - not a fan

    Eleanor - I really like with either MN

  • Lincoln is not a girl name to me.  I like Aurelia and Aurora on your list, but really dislike Avery and Ainsley.

    What about something more Scandinavian, like Signe or Dagny?  I really like the meanings for both of those.

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  • Eleanor is the only one I can get behind. Lincoln is terrible for a girl (or a boy for that matter).

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  • I'm not familiar enough with Norwegian to know what "works," so I'm just going to trust that all the names on your list are fine on that front.

    The only name I like is Aurora. I think it's so pretty and I love the NN Rory.

    The rest are all different levels of NMS, going from "meh" (Eleanor) to PLEASE GOD NO (Lincoln).

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  • I think Elenor is really sweet, and the NN that may be derived from it, Nora, is also really sweet! Avery is nice too!

    Love the name Lincoln, but for a boy. I think it would be a pain always having to answer to the question, "is Lincoln a boy or a girl" over the phone, or what have you.

    Good luck!

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  • kmplskmpls member
    Love Ainsley and Aurora.
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  • I love Lyra Rose but I also like Aurora.

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