I am gagging every time I change DS2 now that I am pregnant. The *thought* of CD's makes me dry heave. Any tips? I really don't want to switch to sposies, but I cannot dump poop, and DH REFUSES (and yes, I am aware that you are supposed to dump poop out of sposies). I was thinking about putting some mint scented essential oils under my nose before dumping solids, but IDK if that will work.
(my stomach is literally churning while writing this post!)
Re: Did you CD while pregnant--needs tips!
I know this is totally crazy but my dad has seven kids and he gags at the *though* of smelling poop lol so he kept those little masks that go over your nose and mouth by the diaper table. He would keep cotton balls dipped in vanilla or lotion in there so he never smelt the poop. Worked like a charm for him, maybe try that?
Also, DS is in sposies while I strip our gigantic stash and all day it's make me sick smelling his pee...and poop OMG, I can literally smell it from a mile away. Cloth keeps that stank contained IMO. Good luck!
Yup...sure did.
You'd still have to open diapers and wipe down poopy bums even with sposies...so either way, you're gonna have to deal with smells. Luckily, the gag reaction when away after 1st tri...but I did a fair amount of breath holding, and changing on the floor so I could step away and grab a fresh breath
I did some, but usually I stop for the roughest part of my m/s. While pg with DD I was vomitting every otehr day and it was BAD. So I stopped for a while. With this baby I stopped but it was also bc DD had a bad yeast rash and it was hard to control.
For me the smell of the poop in the sposies in the trash was worse than dumping poop...BUT the smell of dumping the 2-3 day old bag of CDs was worse. My suggestion is to try and use a mask or noseplugs. E Oils near your nose may help. It really depends on how sick you get. For me my sense of smell is what makes me vomit...my sister it was the sight of something.
Hope you feel better fast! and take it easy on your self.