
Did your sleeping plans change?

From what you originally planned?  We're planning on having our babies in a co-sleeper in our room for a while and then moving them to their room where we hope to have them share a crib for a while.  What do you think the liklihood will be that we'll change that plan in the near future?  I'm thinking about it because I'm trying to figure out how many crib mattresses to get.  I know evetually we'll need two, but I'm thinking of only setting up one crib and getting one mattress for the moment for space reasons (we are thinking of keeping a double bed in the nursery for a few months so that it can still be used as a guest room).  Does this make sense or am I completely crazy? Smile
2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

Re: Did your sleeping plans change?

  • My boys are still in our room in 1 crib at 5 months - they still sleep swaddled though, if they weren't swaddled we'd have to separate them b/c they'd flail around and wake each other up.  They will be sharing a room with their brother which is why we haven't moved them out of our room yet.  Probably will soon, I go back to work in a week.
  • everyone's different but I thought we'd have them in the nursery from the get go but upon coming home, I made dh go out and get bassinett & moses basket so they could be in our room.  I just COULDN'T imagine not being right there...that lasted all of 2 nights.

    dh and I just couldn't sleep so the boys ended up in their cribs on night 3 and I'm really glad.  We didn't have to worry about transitioning them and mommy/daddy got more sleep.

    I'd have both mattresses ready.

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  • I wanted to keep the bed in our nursery too because my mom comes and stays with us a lot now. ?Both boys still sleep in the same crib in our room at night anyway. ?We have a crib in the nursery but right now it just collects laundry that I need to put away.
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  • Too funny: That is exactly what we are planning! (Co-sleeper > shared crib and considering setting up just one crib at first so we can keep a double bed in the nursery so it can still be used as a guest room.) So I'm glad you asked! And if you're crazy, then I guess I'm crazy too, lol!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • We don't really have a choice since we only have one extra room.  Since my mom is staying with us we had to keep it as a guest room until she leaves... so no cribs in there yet.

    We have a cosleeper in our room but since the babies have a bit of reflux and can't sleep lying down we actually put their carseats in the cosleeper and they sleep sitting up next to us.  Weird but it's the only thing that is working for us.

    I would say you should be very flexible with any sleeping plans now.. because you never know what is or isn't going to work once they arrive!

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  • We thought we'd keep the girls in our bedroom longer than we actually did.  We put them in their room starting the first weekend, because every little breathing noise would wake me up and I'd rush over.  They shared a crib the first 3 1/2 months - and we only put one up to start.  We only had one mattress too.

    I actually wish we had had a co-sleeper though.  There were many, many nights that I ended up bringing one or both of them into our bed to get some rest and it really would have been nice to have the cosleeper.

    So, I think your plan is fine! :)

    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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  • We have 2 bedrooms, ours is a loft, so we decided to put our matress and box spring in the babies room. Both are in the same crib, so we only have one baby matress so far. One thing I thought I'd be doing less of is putting them in bed with me. We're  trying to do it less.
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