Trying to Get Pregnant

:::TTC Expert Staycee!:::

Okay, I've got a question for you.  I posted this below, but didn't get a definitive answer from anyone, so I thought I'd ask our resident expert (psst, that's you)!  Thanks for your help TTC Guru!

When I temped this morning, the thermometer started beeping about 2 seconds (I'm not kidding) after I put it in my mouth.  The reading was 96.8.  I was weirded out by how fast the temp came because it normally takes about 10 seconds, so I temped again right away (after turning the therm off and on again) and the temp was 97.0.

Do I use the earlier temp (which I've already put in my chart) that came up really fast or do I use the second temp that took the normal amount of time to come up?  Or does it even matter since I'm not waiting to O, just in the 2ww?  (Also, just so you know, I don't usually have drastic temp changes very quick - I tested again at 8 am (I got to sleep in today) just to see what my temp was and it was only up to 97.4).

Re: :::TTC Expert Staycee!:::

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    well, thankfully it is not at a crucial time!    So, based on that either would be fine.   Plus they are only .2 off from each other.  

    If this were a crucial time, I would use the 2nd only because I too, would be questioning why the first one beeped so soon.  (assuming you really didn't get up and move between the 2 temp takings.)

    this morning I temped, and layed there for a while it felt like.  Finally pulled it out, and used my cell phone light to find out it wasn't even on!  (I thought I had heard a stuttering beep when I turned it on.  Must have pushed on and then my thumb must have hit it a 2nd time immediately to turn it back off).   So, by the time I figured that out, it was a full 2 mins (going on 3) since I had woken up.   I think if the 2nd attempt is right away - it should be okay

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    :::butts into this post:::

    Staycee I heart you. Always answering our questions, showing us your pretty new hair... Smile

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    Thanks Staycee!
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