I read a few responses from a post two months ago about this so am hoping to either get updates or more info from people who have been through this.
I had my anatomy u/s today and my baby girl looks great, very healthy. However, they found my placenta is anterior but the edge is completely covering the cervix. As other posters mentioned, googling is the worse thing to do. After doing so, I'm so freaked out and angry at my own body for attempting to screw this up I can't stand it. My doc seemed to think it may resolve itself but everything listed as "complete" says no way.
Anyone have any experience here? I know I'm only 18 weeks but what are the chances this really gets better? Any advice/support/words of encouragement are greatly appreciated! I'm having an extremely difficult time being positive right now!
Thanks ladies!
Re: Anterior Complete placenta Previa
From Gabbe (high risk ob text):
If placenta previa is diagnosed before 24 weeks' gestation, repeat sonography should be obtained between 28 and 32 weeks' gestation. More than 90 percent of the cases of placenta previa diagnosed in the midtrimester resolve by term.[82] The potential for resolution of the placenta previa is dependent on whether the previa is complete versus marginal. Complete placenta previa diagnosed in the second trimester will persist into the third trimester in 26 percent of cases, whereas marginal placenta previa will persist in only 2.5 percent of cases.[83]
So, for you, you have a 74% chance of it going away. Much better odds of it resolving than persisting.
Hi. I'm lurking on this board, but wanted to share my experience. I was diagnosed with complete previa and an anterior placenta at my 18w anatomy scan also. I had ultrasounds every 4 weeks to check to see if my placenta moved. I had a bleeding incident at 31w and was in the hospital for 3 days. I was then put on bedrest until I delivered my daughter at exactly 36w via c section. The previa never moved and I went into early labor. DD was born at 5lb6oz completely healthy and was able to come home with us when I was discharged.
I know it's scary, but even if you continue to have a complete previa, you can still have a great outcome. My doctor put me on pelvic rest and limited activity as soon as the previa was diagnosed. I was not able to lift my son, which was really hard, but worth it in the end. Good luck to you and I hope your previa resolves itself.