
You know what? I feel really sorry for the people who...

...have peanut allergies.  NEVER will they ever get to experience the almost-orgasmic experience a reece cup practically gives you.  I really could cry for these people.

Re: You know what? I feel really sorry for the people who...

  • My nephew has peanut allergies. It's so hard for my sister to buy food, because of cross contaminates.
  • I know, right?

    They're my favorite.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
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  • I like plain peanut butter, and many other things with nuts.

    Reese's Cups, however...I am NOT a fan of chocolate and peanut butter together.  Never have been, don't know why.

    I also don't like Cheesecake.  I'm a weirdo like that.

  • i was thinking the same thing as I was bagging candy last night. I soooo loves me a snickers bar.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • Nora is allergic to peanuts, so no peanuts at all in our house.  Halloween is a scary time for us because of it.
  • imagestcroixbride:

    I like plain peanut butter, and many other things with nuts.

    Reese's Cups, however...I am NOT a fan of chocolate and peanut butter together.  Never have been, don't know why.

    I also don't like Cheesecake.  I'm a weirdo like that.



    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  •  That reminds me...I have to go get mine that was chillin in the freezer. :)
  • imageBubblyToes:

    I like plain peanut butter, and many other things with nuts.

    Reese's Cups, however...I am NOT a fan of chocolate and peanut butter together.  Never have been, don't know why.

    I also don't like Cheesecake.  I'm a weirdo like that.



    D.I.T.T.O. Bubbly! ! ! ! ! ! 


  • I already said I'm weird like that Wink

    I also eat everything on my plate one thing at a time...and don't like mayo or tomatoes on sandwiches.  I am FUN to go out to eat with - but at least I own up to my weirdness!

  • I only eat one thing at a time too, always have, AND my food cannot be touching each other.  I do love tomatos and mayo on bread though!!!
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