I saw a stroller for two tandem and both seat recline fully spoke to the MOM about and now I can not remember the name ? ANYONE KNOW - i went to BRU to see i i could see it no luck ... I think once we are done with the snap'n'go we need a tandem but i want both seats to be able to accommodate sleeping babies!!!
Re: strolling along
Was it BJ city select? or kolcraft ?
Both seats recline fully on the BJCS if they are facing in.
I'm impressed yours will sleep in the stroller. After the 4 month wakeful, a stroller nap was super, super rare for us.
they currently nap in their car seat if we are out ???? they will be 8 mo tomorrow hmm will this napping change ?
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oMG i think it was BJ city select as I remember the city select part when i read this ... going to google
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