I'm currently in school. One of my school friends I've known for close to 2 years. He just told me that he and his wife got a foster daughter a few days ago - a 3 week old girl. I congratulated him and he is obviously ecstatic. I don't know if it's a temporary foster or a foster to adopt (I didn't know if it would be offensive to ask). I'd love to get him something but have NO clue what to get. This is their first foster child. She's a champ already sleeping 6-7 hours straight at night and generally very happy. I want to give him something more personal than a gift card but I'm not sure what would be appreciated. Either way, I'd get it locally and include a gift receipt so they could easy return or exchange it if they don't like it. I'm hoping some of you lovely ladies have some ideas??
Re: Question about friend who's fostering...
Maybe a gift card for them to get a family photo taken? We go to Penney's for our pics - they do a nice job and they're reasonable.
Or maybe some baby board books or toys for that would be appropriate over the coming weeks/months?
As a foster parent who didn't have kids prior to fostering and go a 10 day old baby, some of the best things we got were
a) things from other mom's that they swore by/handed down - a baby swing, a diaper gene 2, clothes, bottle rack/cleaner brushes/dishwasher container, moby wrap
b) bibs and burp cloths! (we had a lot of spitting up and went through these quickly)
c) a good diaper bag
While a gift card for photos would have been much appreciated, we trotted lightly in those early days....not knowing how long we would have her as a placement....that said, we do have a professional quality camera and I was constantly taking pics. of her and wish I had mroe of the three of us! Perhaps at your next visit you could take some pictures of them and have them printed and put them in a frame, I think I would have really loved that! Also, go over with some hand paint that is safe for a newborn and help her make handprints/footprints...we really wish we had done something like that too!
i love all of this.
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