We have a DS Connor and last name starts with R and ends in -on. We want it to be narrowed down to 2 or 3 before we go in (I'm 33 weeks). We have agreed on girls names (Annika, Norah, Adeline), but are totally stuck on boys names. We sort of both like Gavin, though sounds off with last name ending in -on, and it seems a bit trendy. FIL and GFIL names are Charles, which I would do, but call him Charlie which DH doesn't like. Any ideas?
Re: Team green name help
DS is named Charles after my dad. We don't ever call DS anything but Charles, although I know when he starts school, the kids might call him Charlie anyway.
He'll always be Charles at home. Oh yes, and my dad is still Charles to his 86-year old mother as well.
Charles has my vote
I really wanted DS to be Callum, Graham was in our top 3 we well. Now DH is "over it." Boo.