husband likes Wayne James or Wayne Darrell.
If it has to be wayne, i like Wayne Evan
other options (after his grandfather) Ivan
I cant come up with a good MN for it, maybe Ivan Thomas?
suggestions please! we are team green and im not sold on any names yet.
Re: Wayne or Ivan...hmmmm
I like Ivan better. It would have been on our list, except my FIL would pronounce it ee-VON, ant people would think i named my boy yvonne. It doesn't translate well for us.
What about Ivan Wayne?
Ivan James
Ivan Thomas
Ivan Micahel
Ivan Daniel
Ivan Lamar
Ivan Louis
Ivan Steven
Ivan Paul
Ivan Anthony
Wayne Michael
Wayne David
Wayne Thomas
Wayne Anothony
Wayne Nicolas
Wayne James
Wayne Douglas
Agree with this. H's MN is Wayne, and we both hate it... It sounds trashy to us Sorry. Ivan is ok.
Ivan Thomas
Ivan James
Ivan Daniel
Ivan Anthony
Ivan Andrew
Ivan Dean
You might also like the names: Oscar, Dale, Ian, Edgar, Keith, Darren, Craig and Victor
GL deciding!
This. Wayne is awful.
This...Wayne sounds really country/redneck to me. Ivan Wayne sounds a lot better than Wayne Ivan IMO.
Diagnosed hypothyroidism.
My grandfather is Wayne Robert and his father was Robert Wayne. I LOVE the name Wayne and am considering it for a son if I have one in the future.
I don't care much for Ivan.
Ivan is a family name for us but we used Evan.
I like Ivan or Evan. I don't like Wayne.