Baby Names

Nancy, Martha, Agnes, Edith?

Are these too stuffy still?  Too old-lady?

Not sure if I'd want two N names....

Any good nn's for these?

Would you use them or not?

Any others to suggest? 

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Re: Nancy, Martha, Agnes, Edith?

  • I like Edith.

    I do not like the others, but because I think they're boring, not because they're "old lady". 


    I prefer Evelyn and Eleanor to Edith, though. 

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  • Hmm.  Good point.  I wonder if it's b/c they are shorter names?

    My cousin is Evelyn and my niece is Nora, so Evelyn and Eleanor are out.  A lot of "good" names have been taken in my family....... I do like those though so good suggestions!

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  • The only one I like is Agnes, with the nn Nessie or Nessa.

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  • imagemj.reilly:

    LOVE Agnes (Aggie) and Edith (Edie)!

    They are both on my list.

    Similar names from my list:








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    I love quite a few of these!  DH already vetoed Augusta (my great-grammy's mn!), I would LOVE to use that one.  Our ln starts with R so we are avoiding R names, which makes me sad b/c Rosemary is great, but just sounds so awful.  Agatha, Frances (MIL's mn), Mabel, and Pearl will go on my list....thanks! 

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  • I think Edith is pretty and not at all stuffy, but I'm not a fan of Nancy, Martha, or Agnes. Plus, Agnes is my dogs name, so that totally rules it our for me. 

    I think like PP said, it's not that they're "old", but maybe just boring. I don't even consider Nancy and Martha to be old lady names, but middle aged person names.  

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  • I don't think Nancy is too old ladyish. It reminds me of Nancy Botwin from Weeds, or the Fancy Nancy books. I kind of like it but it's not my style to use on my own kid. I don't really like Martha or Agnes. I do like Edith and love the nickname Edie. It's my DH's grandmother's name and I would consider using it. 
  • ablouablou member

    Martha.  I LOVE Martha. 

    She could go by Marti! Also, there's a fabulous Beatles song called Martha My Dear.  Having a Beatles song with your name in it is big and awesome. 

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  • Edith is okay, the others are NMS. The thing about them to me is not that they sound old lady, which I kinda love, but that they sound middle-aged. 

    Other names is a similar vein, but maybe less stuffy, as you said...























  • I like Martha or Agnes b/c I think they have cute NN for little girls and can grow with them.  They're not so out there either.  But, Nancy and Edith are NMS. 

    Other similar names:







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  • I know old names are trending but these are too old IMO. Still picture old ladies. Not cute on little girls. Sorry.
  • irerirer member
    I like Agnes and sort of like Edith. Not a fan of Nancy or Martha, sorry.
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  • Edith!  DD is Edith (nn Edie), so obviously I'm a huge fan of that. 

    I agree with one of the PPs who said some of them sound middle-age (Nancy and Martha, to me), so it feels a bit like Cathy or Bev instead of the classic "old lady names" that seem to have come back. 

    I also really like Margaret (Maggie), Hazel, Georgia, Clara, Audrey, Caroline, Anna, Lucy, Ruby, June, Cora, and Lydia.

    Good luck!

  • I've always liked Martha. 
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  • The only one I really don't like is Nancy. I knew a Martha growing up so I like that one the most.
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  • I like Edith ...also back in style...
  • i think they're all ugly and old lady. sorry.
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  • Edith is my favorite from your list. I agree with other posters on Evelyn or maybe Madelyn? 
  • I like Nancy a lot. Martha is pretty as well. Edith is old and Agnes is REALLY old.

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  • I love Edith!

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  • I LOVE Martha. I had a campaign for Martha when I was pregnant with DD but my husband just wouldn't go for it. I think it's a classic, feminine, underused name that will age really well. 

    I also love Agnes. If we have another baby, that's going to be a name I put on our list.

    As for nicknames, I don't think Martha really lends itself to a nickname (which was part of the appeal for me). I knew an Agnes in high school who went by Aggie and it fit her perfectly. 

    Nancy and Edith aren't my style but there's absolutely nothing wrong with those names.  

    Nice choices all around.  

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  • I like Agnes and Edith a lot. Nancy and Martha are just not old enough to be "cool" again yet (I know several in their 50's and 60's today).

    What about Marta?

  • I don't think Nancy or Martha are old lady, they seem more like Boomer names.

    I like Nancy a lot, with the nn Nan.  Martha is okay, but nms.

    Agnes and Edith are old lady.

    Agnes is one I love and I have it on our list, I don't think it really needs a nn. 

    Edith is one of those names that hasn't turned the corner for me, it is completely unappealing to me.

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  • I think the least gross and old hag sounding is Nancy, and it's still terrible. I would not use any of them, ever. Way too old lady, and I love old lady names.

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  • I used to work at a retirement home...there were a million Nancy Martha Anges and Elenor 's I pick Edith!
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  • I love Edith because it has so many positive associations: Edith Wharton (one of my favorite authors), Edith Piaf, etc.
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  • I don't think any on your list "go with" Nina. Nina has a bit of a European feel to me, and all the names on your list are so boring and "anglo", IMO. I just think Martha and Agnes are so ugly sounding, they have no appeal to me. Nancy and Nina are terrible together.

     I like names like:Olive, Opal, Pearl, Ruby, Lydia, Elsa etc if you're going for a short name.

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