Cloth Diapering

Making minky inserts?

Has anyone made their own minky inserts?  I just bought my first diaper with a minky insert and I love it so far!  It's so much softer than microfiber.  If I made my own inserts, can I use the minky they sell at Joann's Fabrics?  Or is it a special kind of minky?  Also, is minky more absorbent than microfiber?  Thanks!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Anniversary

Re: Making minky inserts?

  • The fuzzibunz inserts are minky, but they are microfiber based minky from what I understand. Definitely not the same stuff you'd find at the fabric store unfortunately. 

    The minky inserts are more absorbent than the previous microfiber inserts yes. 

    Liam 07/08/10 -- TTC #2 -- my cloth vlog -- & daily cloth diaper deals Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Your question confuses me because minky is a wicking fabric, not an absorbent fabric. Especially the minky sold at fabric stores; test it on some and you'll see the water beading off, not sinking in. Many diapers (especially WAHMs) are lined with minky, not stuffed with it.
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  • imagekattyleigh:
    Your question confuses me because minky is a wicking fabric, not an absorbent fabric. Especially the minky sold at fabric stores; test it on some and you'll see the water beading off, not sinking in. Many diapers (especially WAHMs) are lined with minky, not stuffed with it.

    Hmm.  Then I am confused.  I bought a FB elite OS and a Kawaii Goodnight Heavy Wetter diaper and I thought I read they had minky inserts.  What are those inserts made of?  And is it more adsorbent than microfiber?  And can I buy it at Joanns?  :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Anniversary
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