3rd Trimester

Was measuring 3 weeks behind by fundal height...

Had my u/s today.  Baby measured just one week behind at 37 weeks 3 days ( I am 38 weeks 6 days)  Estimate baby to be around 6 lb 14 oz.  So... just wanted to post this for those of you who are also measuring small... she said I am just all baby and he's all smushed up into a tiny ball.  Placenta was still functioning great and fluid was good... I guess its just a waiting game now... (they were going to induce if the baby looked small.)  :) H

Re: Was measuring 3 weeks behind by fundal height...

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    I don't quite understand the measurements.  At my OB appointment this week, I measured 30 inches, but I am supposed to be 29 weeks.  If I measure 30 inches, does that mean that I am measuring at 30 weeks...1 week ahead?  If I am measuring ahead, perhaps that also means my due date is wrong? 
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    I don't quite understand the measurements.  At my OB appointment this week, I measured 30 inches, but I am supposed to be 29 weeks.  If I measure 30 inches, does that mean that I am measuring at 30 weeks...1 week ahead?  If I am measuring ahead, perhaps that also means my due date is wrong? 

    Fundal measurements are really rough and often inaccurate. I looked in my chart and I have been measuring behind by about 2 weeks, and I asked my doctor about it and he said it wasn't enough to be worried about. Being a week off wouldn't been enough to change a due date, I'd think.

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    with ds i was measuring 4 weeks behind at 36 weeks.  on the u/s he was weighing 4lbs 1oz, at 38 weeks he was 5lbs 10oz.  he was born at 39w5d and weighed 6lbs 14oz.  i don't really get too worried about the fundal heights.

    ~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~
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    I read that + or - 3cm is still considered normal.  I think as long as it's progressing that's really what matters.

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    Tis is my second pregnancy and never have ever been measured for fundal height... My son measured a little small at one u/s and was back up at the next one. And he was 6 lbs 9.5 oz at birth.  Not all babies are nine pounders!
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    My OB told me that FTM's that also have petite frames usually measure behind and that it's really not much to be concerned about. She said if your fascia is really tight and you are physically fit, your belly is simply not going to pop out as much. She said that usually they will order an u/s to be certain everything is OK but 99% of the time there is nothing to be alarmed about. At my last appmt. I was 30 cm. at 30 weeks and she told me that was right on target, but that she expects me to fall behind a little within the next few weeks based on my petite size and that it is my first. Who knows though, I have my 32 week appmt tomorrow and we shall see!

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    At my appointment on Tuesday the doc said I was measuring small and had me do an ultrasound and scared the crap out of me talking about induction, saying he was only 6 lbs and my amniotic fluid was low. They made me do a non-stress test as well, and he passed with flying colors. They made me go the next day to get another ultrasound at the same place where I had the anatomy ultrasound, and the tech there measured him at 7lbs and said the fluid levels were fine.

    Of course, my little guy has already dropped and has his head buried in my pelvis, so that's probably accounting for why I'm only measuring 36 cm instead of 38. 

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    I don't understand why they even talk about fundal height measurements.  They are not at all accurate from the research I've done.  I think they just like to have something to measure and talk about at our appointments :)


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