I have been a member of Amazon Mom for the past year but they recently changed their policy. I lost my discounts and free shipping on all the diapers I buy for DD1.
I'm now on the hunt for the best place to buy diapers for the lowest price. The convenience of having the huge boxes delivered to my door is unbeatable but Amazon's discount isn't that great anymore.
Any great deals out there??
Re: Anyone shop online for diapers? Cheapest price?
Hi- so I am not an amazon mom so I use diapers.com. They often have instant manufacturer's coupons and you get $5 off each case so I usually spend about $40/case. Its free 2 day shipping. The savings is actually that certain states do not pay sales tax on their website so that saves me quite a bit too.
Disregard my ticker, which I have unsuccessfully tried to change. I have an 11month old and I'm 16wks pg.
You get 5% savings as an Amazon Mom, but you can get an additional 15% if you subscribe for automatic delivery.
Their Prime benefits haven't run out yet but yours have. That's why they're still getting the 20% off and you only get 5%. Mine is still good until the end of this month and then I'll have to pay the $79/yr fee to keep the benefits going. I probably will since I'll have two in diapers and it will still be cheaper than anywhere else.
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart
If you don't mind store-brand diapers, Walmart's Parent's Choice are the cheapest. BJ's diapers are almost as cheap, and when they have their coupons they are the cheapest. I'm not sure how much shipping is from BJ's, but from Walmart it's pretty cheap.
Amazon Mom is still the cheapest for name-brand diapers. You should still be able to do subscribe & save for a 20% savings.
Married 6/28/03
Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10
4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014
No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.
"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens