3rd Trimester

Can't sleep after drinking that Glucola!

I'm trying my hardest to go to bed but I feel like I could go run a marathon right now. I did my glucose tolerance test around noon today and still feel like I'm on the most intense sugar high ever. Is this a bad sign? Did any of you guys that have taken the test already experience something similar? I'm not used to eating a ton of sugar and this is kind of freaking me out a little. Not to mention LO seems to be totally hyped up too. 

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Re: Can't sleep after drinking that Glucola!

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    I'm confused..You're test isn't until noon by you already drank the drink?? I've only heard of the one hour and three hour tests..

    OOOH I read that totally wrong. Sorry. I have no advice to give though. =/ I hope you get some sleep.  

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    Honestly, it probably has nothing to do with your glucola challenge.  Really.
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    my GT test totally screwed me up..  I don't think I had the issue of not being able to sleep, mine was more like I had a big sugar rush as first and then CRASHED the rest of the day.  I felt all gross and jittery and tired at the same time.  FWIW, I passed it.
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    Honestly, it probably has nothing to do with your glucola challenge.  Really.

    No, I am basically a sleeping champion. I am a very deep sleeper and dont have too many restless nights. Last night, something was definately wrong! Today I am exhausted from getting no sleep but still feel an overwhelming amount of energy at the same time. Kind of like I downed a gallon of espresso or something. The only thing I've done differently is drink that stuff yesterday! I was told no news is good news and I have not heard anything yet, so hopefully that is a good sign that I passed. But jeeze- that Glucola really jacked me up! 

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    Honestly, it probably has nothing to do with your glucola challenge.  Really.

    No, I am basically a sleeping champion. I am a very deep sleeper and dont have too many restless nights. Last night, something was definately wrong! Today I am exhausted from getting no sleep but still feel an overwhelming amount of energy at the same time. Kind of like I downed a gallon of espresso or something. The only thing I've done differently is drink that stuff yesterday! I was told no news is good news and I have not heard anything yet, so hopefully that is a good sign that I passed. But jeeze- that Glucola really jacked me up! 

    Just not the way carb metabolism works.  There is no way you are still feeling "energy" from the 50g of carbs in the glucola 24 hours later.  That is like saying that you had one serving of pasta at around 42g/serving (or 28 jelly beans) and you are all jacked up the next day.   

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