Cloth Diapering

Recommend your....

brand of wet bag that you prefer for on-the-go diaper changes and your pail liner (if you use one).

 Thanks in advance! 


BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Recommend your....

  • For a pail liner, I love my Planetwise ones.  I have 2 favorite wetbags for traveling.  One is fuzzibunz and the other is Blueberry (got it on a "seconds" sale on their website for cheap).  The blueberry one is higher quality, but I love both.  They zip up (some have either velcro or a drawstring) which is a plus.
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  • I'm a cheapskate.  I use a regular laundry bag from wal-mart at home and a gallon sized ziploc bag in the diaper bag.  Never had a problem with either.
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