
? for those who EP!!!!

how much milk do you get at each pumping, and did (if so when) your supply increase...I get about 5-8 oz at each pumping, and it is not going to be enough to feed them both soon... I am just getting discouraged as I thought this would last longer. I pump every 2.5-3 hours!

Re: ? for those who EP!!!!

  • I get anywhere from 6 to 18 ounces depending on how long it's been since I last pumped.  If I'm pumping every 3 hours it's normally around 8 or so ounces.  I give my girls one or two bottles of formula every day just to help me stay ahead of them and to keep them used to the taste of formula in case we ever have to switch completely to it.

    I don't know when my milk supply increased.  I just kept pumping with every feeding and I've done a pretty good job of keeping up with my girls' demands.  I probably could have gone without the supplementing with formula, but it makes me feel better to know that they can handle formula and that if my milk supply plummets they'llbe okay on formula.

    Just keep pumping and hopefully you'll be able to keep up with your girls.

    PS I love your girls' names!  We have a Paige and I've always loved the name Emma, but my husband wouldn't go for it...

  • 18 oz...holy cow!!! has it always been like that or did your supply go up...If I go longer between pumps (like night time pumps - 5-6 hours) the most I get is 8-9 oz.).  Right now my girls are eating about 3 oz. every 3 hours...and I feel like they will be needing more soon...they scarf down their bottles and Emma still seems hungry sometimes (will give her a little more).

     Yes, I  have always loved the name Paige and funny thing with Emma was that it was actually my DH's pick...TOTALLY surprised me since its so girly!!

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  • I'm not EP, I am doing BF mainly... but when I pump I have NEVER gotten more than 4 oz total.  I think some people just respond better to the pump than others.  I know I have more milk than that but I just don't have much luck getting it out that way.  I would never be able to keep up with their demand that way, so it's really impressive if you're able to do it!
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  • I just wanted to say hang in there - my supply didn't fully come in until they were 2 months old.  I'm still pumping at 16 months... the most I pumped was 12 oz. each pumping, but my boys never ate more than 5 oz. a feeding.  I took fenugreek and blessed thistle to help boost my supply, plus ate a lot of oatmeal and drank a ton of water.  Good luck!
  • I get 4-6 oz total at every session. I pump every 4 hours after we feed (for the next feed). Considering that my girls eat 5-6 oz at every feed, I don't have enough by a longshot. I usually pour whatever I have into their bottles and add formula to make 5oz. That way they still get the benefit from BM but also are no longer hungry. I feel like every little bit counts so even the tiny percentage of their meals that I make, is still very beneficial for them, which is why I am still doing it.
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