Cloth Diapering

Diaper Needs Changing?

We have been a fuzzibunz family for the last year and half. Recently, we have had nothing but leaks.  I originally blamed it on the new style of fuzzibunz, but now I'm beginning to wonder if LO has changed, either because he's grown and shifted some weight around or if perhaps he's urinating more? Anyone have to change diaper between baby and toddlerhood? (we're almost 2)

Re: Diaper Needs Changing?

  • Sorry you're having problems :( That's exactly why I like to have a variety of diapers in my stash. The ones that I loved when DD2 was little aren't the ones I'm loving now.
  • I've had to change diapers multiple times due to fit.
    You could try adding more absorbency or go up in size if seems too tight/low on him.
    Fuzzibunz one-size stopped performing for us around 10 months I would say.
    Liam 07/08/10 -- TTC #2 -- my cloth vlog -- & daily cloth diaper deals Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • Have you made any detergent changes? We were dealing with a lot of leaks for awhile, and the inserts were always pretty wet so I thought it must be an absorbency or fit issue, and then I switched detergents and after a few loads we hardly get any leaks at all! I really didn't think it was a repelling issue but I guess it was.
    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • nattnnattn member
    DD's BG 4.0s just recently started leaking constantly. I tried stripping them and also stuffing them differently, but nothing seems to help. All her other diapers still work fine, so I decided it must be the fit.
  • I've noticed that the leg openings in our BG 4.0s have started gapping a bit, even though we have not changed the snap settings for a couple months now. It's b/c his legs are thinning out due to all the activity. But I can't really snap the waist tighter b/c that hasn't changed, I've just been trying to pull the wings up higher so they're sticking out of the top. No major leaks yet (crossing fingers)
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