Hi everyone, The Adoption Prayer Group is a support group utilizing the power of prayer. If you want to join I will assign you a prayer buddy and all you have to do is simply include that person in your prayers. Very simple-yet powerful!!!
The complete listing of partners can be found under Prayer Partners. I usually post on Wednesdays. Feel free to search under Adoption Prayer Group and check in at whatever time of day. If you have any concerns, special prayer requests, or need to reach me outside of the bump please email me at suzannesteward69@yahoo.com If you want to join the group and be linked up with a prayer partner please provide the following info: your name, and if you choose your email address. If you?re not comfortable with posting your email address, please feel free to send me a private message with your email address.
Prayer Partners: Joe?s Sweet Pea and Silliest Bunny, Katybug_h and Jen is Silly, Sugardumpling and Ginger71, babywisher and firecracker8, julandjo and cogbot, GnomeSweetGnome and srmmm09, kellz (kelliez@charter.net) and Amber, Gracie Sue Nicole and Brenda, Porsha and pinkzebra, Honeydew and Potatohead, MandertheDB and Amy720, Layafette Girl and msamerica.
This Week?s Events: March 11 ? Zanymermaid and her DH?s interviews with their social worker for their home study
Praise: Joe?s Sweet Pea: After not 1, but 2 ultrasounds this week, the head/neck specialist and the x-ray tech could not find the mass!
Special Prayer Requests: Please let me know if you have any prayer requests.
Katybug_h: Unfortunately, the sibling placement fell through. An aunt showed up to adopt them on the day that parental rights were terminated. Please pray that the siblings have a good life. Right now, she and her DH are back at square one. Please pray that a placement comes through for them soon!
Zanymermaid: Our home study paperwork has been submitted! Our interviews are scheduled for March 11 and March 30. Please pray that our home study process is successful.
Update: GnomeSweetGnome: She and her DH attended an orientation at Catholic Charities on 2/21 and they?ve decided to use them as their agency. They won?t be able to apply until next January or so, but she?s requested the application materials so that she can look through them and have time to think about anything that may be tough to answer etc. They?re excited to have taken the first step!
Reflection for the day: Matthew 6:31-33: Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Question of the day: Do you enjoy Daylight Savings Time? I do, I love having more daylight in the evenings even though I do have to lose an hour of sleep.
Group updates:
-If you have any upcoming events (appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, etc) be sure to let me know so I can post them in the events section!!
Re: Adoption Prayer Group
Zanymermaid - Good Luck on your homestudy!!!
Joe's Sweet Pea - Awesome things are defn. happening for you!
Katybug_h - Sending you a lot of thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Something great will happen soon!
GnomeSweetGnome - Jan will be here before you know it!!! Congrats and good luck!
Question of the day: I LOVE Daylight Savings Time!!! I love the fact that we will have more daylight when I get off so that DH and I can grill out more and play with the puppies outside. Spring is coming yall and it is going to be beautiful!!!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful, fantastic, awesome, lovely week!!!
I really think today's passage is a great reminder. If we can try to put God first in our lives, then he will help make our paths straight and provide us with what we need.
QOTD: I hate the day that DST begins, because I love to sleep, and getting an hour less is crap, lol. But it is nice that it stays light longer in the evening, so we can grill, work in the garden, go for a walk, etc. while there's still light out.
Update: We received our application/homestudy materials today!