
I am a huge dork (pictures included)

This is what I did for Jackson to give to him this morning.

I am SO dorky.  I even decorated the thing.  With ribbons and stickers.

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Re: I am a huge dork (pictures included)

  • That was really sweet of you. What a great mommy!
  • I think I'm coming to live with you. I want a halloween basket!

    He is so cute in his skeleton jammies!?

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  • That's cute!
    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • awe! What a great idea! I'll have to remember that when Jake is older...

    Very cute! Good job!!

  • Cute idea!!

    What book is that?  Goodnight it a Halloween version of Goodnight Moon?

  • EMTEMT member

    I'm with Capemom.  I want to be your kid :).

    Not dorky at all!

  • you are not a dork, just a really good mom. I was so busy this morning I didn't even get a chance to give myboys anything. Worst mommy award goes to me today:(
  • imageexcitedtobemrs:

    Cute idea!!

    What book is that?  Goodnight it a Halloween version of Goodnight Moon?

    It's called Goodnight Goon - I found it at Target - it's a "petrifying parody" according to the title.  LOL.

    And you can all come over and get Halloween baskets from me.   I had a lot of fun getting the stuff for it for him.  DORK.

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  • I love it!  How cute!

    I didn't even get my kid Halloween jammies.  Ha!

  • That?s so cute!! You?re awesome. I can?t wait to do stuff like that for pac. And I like your book choices!
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • That is so sweet!  I wish I had thought of doing that.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • imagemamarazzi:

    I love it!  How cute!

    I didn't even get my kid Halloween jammies.  Ha!

    You know I was ALL over that!  hahhaha!  I even bought some for my friend's kid.  LOL.

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  • Omg and your bichon in the background, I thought, ?how did my dog get in the picture?? your pup looks just like my Thumper, right down to the look of disdain at any sight of a camera!
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • i think its totally fab! i would love to start doing these "dorky" things too... someday
  • imagehapp17:
    Omg and your bichon in the background, I thought, ?how did my dog get in the picture?? your pup looks just like my Thumper, right down to the look of disdain at any sight of a camera!

    happ, Annie is VERY disdainful.  We call her a crochety old hag.  She's so nasty unless you are giving her a treat or snuggling her (well not Jackson - she is always disdainful of him).  Right now she's thrilled b/c she's curled up right next to me.  She's such a turd.

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  • that is soooooo sweet!

    my kids PBK treat bags are still in the box the UPS guy left.. bad mom

  • you are awesome! that is fantastic. I feel like a dud mom. ?I think I'll decorate and do all the "halloween stuff" next year. I don't think S "get't it" yet! LOL!

    I bet J will love it!?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Well ain't that the cutest!!
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • We have that Goodnight Goon book, too!  I actually bought it for MIL b/c it's her sense of humor, and she's read Goodnight Moon to her grandkids a zillion times, but DD became obsessed with it, so now it's hers.  That's a really cute basket!
  • I wish my stupid internet blocker at work did not block those pictures.  I want to see what all the fuss is about!  I bet it's great and that your little guy loved it!
  • LOVE it!  LOVE it, LOVE it, LOVE it!  So cute!
  • That's really cute!  Looks like he loved it.  I bought a few things for DD at the $1 section in Target, but she'll get those after daycare.  There would be no way I'd get her out the door to her party if I gave her toys first.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Aw...too cute and sweet!  You are so good....I don't even have the energy to think of something like that right now, much less do it.

    Love his pj's too...Olivia had her pink ones on this morning too. : )

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