How much, if any did you share about things you were doing in getting ready for your LO?
We have met BM once and I have been communicating with her via phone and text since then. It's been really nice getting to know her and kind of sharing bits of our days. The difficult thing is that, of course, much of my brain is taken up by baby things right now. Eventually I will ask her if she wants to hear about those kinds of goings-on but for now I'm just curious about what others have shared/experienced.
Re: If you had contact with BM before birth...
We didn't have much contact with BM before birth. Once we were matched, BM wanted to meet us in person. She asked us if we were ready (she was having contractions all through dinner!). We shared how we were decorating the nursery, what clothes she had so far, etc. When we saw BM again (in the delivery room) she asked us again between contractions. We got to show her some pictures of the nursery at that time.
We don't have regular contact or contact information for each other.
I try to keep it even discussing the baby and life events with our BM. She will be moving in with us 6 weeks before she delivers which is getting close do now our conversations are more about things she will want when she gets here.
Patches, I think that it so nice that you helped decorate the nursery. Wow. I also love that you gave her your bedroom set, too, and that she does her homework at the same desk...
DD's birthmom and her birthgrandma made her a picture for her room - a shadow box with her name and other scrapbook-related things. It's so special - I love that it's a part of her room. DD will always have it.
Thanks for your input, everyone. Patches, I was especially hoping you'd chime in
We've been talking a lot about all that's going on in her life, which is good, and we want to support that. I also don't want it to be a one-sided relationship where we don't share much of what we're doing/thinking/feeling and as she asks more about us, it's nice to have some perspective on how much to share.
If we are lucky enough to have time to get to know #2's mother before they are born - I will focus most of my energy on listening to her and asking her questions about her life, her childhood, her family, her parents, her siblings, her other children (if she has them), about her interests, and so forth. Unless she asks about the nursery - I doubt I will say much. Though I will have a picture of the nursery in a photobook that she can keep.
Even though DS's biological mother and I email once a month or more she is not receptive to answering questions about her life other than the normal pleasant conversation items. I wish I had asked her more questions about her life during our first and only face to face meeting at the hospital.
If you get answers to those questions or no matter what she says ... as soon as you can write down the conversation in a book. One day your child might be interested. We never know what our children's needs and desires will be as they grow as it pertains to their biological roots and adoption ... better to have the information than not to.