
OT poll

  1. When did you start?
  2. Why did you start?
  3. How often?
  4. What does the therapist do during your session?
  5. What kind of exercises does s/he give you to do?
  6. Do you think it is helping your LO?

BPF May 12, 2013 :: EDD Janaury 22, 2013 :: MC Began On July 14, 2013 at 12W4D


Born at 34w2d:

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: OT poll

  • imagejenmikw:
    1. When did you start? When DS was in the NICU and our first home session was 4 days post discharge.
    2. Why did you start?  Originally for feeding and elbow contractures (his elbows didn't bend and straighten properly), and now we've moved on to over all development issues.
    3. How often? Every 10 days
    4. What does the therapist do during your session? Every fourth session she does one of those development tests to track where he is and make our goals.  During the other 3 sessions we work on exercises and play.
    5. What kind of exercises does s/he give you to do?  For his elbows we have stretching exercises and for his overall development we have different strengthening exercises to work on his arms and stomach muscles.
    6. Do you think it is helping your LO?  Yes - but sometimes I just wonder if we let him development at his own pace where he would be.

    BPF May 12, 2013 :: EDD Janaury 22, 2013 :: MC Began On July 14, 2013 at 12W4D


    Born at 34w2d:

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • imagejenmikw:
    1. When did you start?
      E just started last month at 15 months, 1 yr adj
    2. Why did you start? Ella was supposed to have had it since she was discharged due to ridigity and to help her to catch up.
    3. How often? Because they dont want to tire her out, they alternate pt and ot every week, 1x a week
    4. What does the therapist do during your session? She tries to get Ella to interact with her and put blocks in a cup, how to stir a cup, and things like that.
    5. What kind of exercises does s/he give you to do? Ella has trouble with eye contact and spacial fields so we practice a lot of following things in the mirror and trying to get her to lock eyes with us.
    6. Do you think it is helping your LO? It has only been a month but this month has been the biggest development growth she has had, ever. She has started to wave, standing alone ( for 1 second but at least she is trying!), she has started to try and walk when we hold her hands, she said mama for the first time. I dont think she picked up any of that in just 2 OT sessions but it gives me hope that she is on the right track.  
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    1. When did you start? Just after discharge
    2. Why did you start? Oral motor skills lacking
    3. How often? Once a week
    4. What does the therapist do during your session? Feeding and oral stim
    5. What kind of exercises does s/he give you to do? We have lots of tools we use and we do a lot of stim and then try to feed and coordinate swallowing
    6. Do you think it is helping your LO? I won't lie, DD hasn't progressed as much as I hoped she would but absolutly 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt it has made a world of difference.
    Mom to preemie b/g twins born 14 weeks early after 3 years of IF, 8 clomid cycles and 1 IVF. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imagejenmikw:
    1. When did you start? Right after discharge
    2. Why did you start? Originally it was for low tone in her neck and shoulders, then we discovered some sensory issues and now language delays
    3. How often? 3 X per month plus developmental therapy 2X per month
    4. What does the therapist do during your session? we've been very focused on motor skills and strength development as DD tends to favor one side or only use certain groups of muscles when learning a new skill
    5. What kind of exercises does s/he give you to do? usually I continue whatever we did at therapy that week, plus some oral exercises for language skills, our OT leaves tools and mats for me to use as well
    6. Do you think it is helping your LO? I think it has made a huge difference in helping her catch up with motor skills, she is meeting everything between adjusted and actual age now. Her language is really delayed so I'm hoping to see improvement there now that we are focused on that issue
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