Not that you couldn't tell it was a vent by the name but alas..... so we had our first baby class on Saturday. 9 1/2 hours for two Saturdays in a row to educate us (mostly my husband I have been a nanny for 8 years) on how this whole thing works. No I don't have a clue about being in labor or having babies but that's why I went. The class was put on by our insurance company/regular doctors office (not my doctor I go to an MFM exclusively) so I thought it would be really helpful even though we were probably going to be the only ones having multiples in the class. Soooooo wrong. NOTHING pertained to us. In 9 1/2 hours all I did was listen to how dangerous it is to have babies before 40 weeks and how small their brains will be (I was actually told this and shown graphs about their learning developments based on how long they are in utero). We were warned again and again about the risks of preterm labor up until 38 weeks and how we need to be proactive to stop it before then. We were also told over and over that c-sections are so much worse for the babies and spent about 2 hours on breathing exercises so that we could all avoid pain medication. I want to clarify that before we knew there were twins I would have been all about this. But we are having two and with that comes a loss of control about some things. It's not my choice when these babies come, I can't control if and when I go into labor unless I am induced. I trust my MFM whole heartedly and if they say that I won't go past 37 weeks then I'm ok with that. I know that I am hormonal and sensitive to someone telling me how horrible I am if our babies come early but I'm so upset about it I don't even want to go back next week. I felt so judged by everyone in the room when I said that I would probably have an epidural because my risk of having a c-section with the second baby even if I did deliver the first vaginally. The teacher actually said that if anyone else was feeling like that she would sign us up now to just get an epidural when we walk into the hospital because she could tell right then we weren't even willing to try without one. We were told that next week is when we will cover any possible complications, any pain interventions and c-sections but I'm terrified I'm going to lose it in the middle of class when we do start talking about it. Did anyone else have similar experiences with taking baby classes that were so clearly NOT designed for anyone having multiples? We didn't have any option of taking a class for MOMs, this was the only one offered. I just didn't think it would be so different....
Re: Stupid Baby Class - Vent
Ugh! That sounds awful and I am sorry you had to go through that. MH and I took a multiples childbirth class and had a similar experience (well, it sounds like your instructor was outwardly rude about giving her opinions. Our class just had a bias towards unmedicated vaginal deliveries.)
Where ours was specifically called MULTIPLES childbirth and cost additional money from the other childbirth classes, I was disappointed. The company who put it on has a few other childbirth classes, including natural childbirth and prepared childbirth (basically for singletons). What I think they do is create a class on natural childbirth and use it for all their childbirth classes. Our class was 7 hours long. It was not until there was 1-1.5hours left that they actually started talking about an epidural and/or c-section. The remainder of the class was on natural childbirth and the instructor made it out like there was an assumption that we all would be doing it that way. In reality, only 1 other multiples couple mentioned wanted to try for a med-free birth.
I came to the multiples childbirth class expecting more discussion given the facts and statistics of giving birth to multiples. I don't think our instructor had any experience with multiples. If I had it to do all over again, I would skip it.
Sorry you have to go back next week. Realize that you at least have a grasp on the fact that with multiples you have to expect the unexpected. I would try not to let her comments and digs bother you.
i dont know....we didnt take any with my son. at all. and we did totally fine. i dont think classes prepare husbands for this..i just dont. if someone else's husband really shaped up after going to one of these classes, please chime in. my husband didnt get it until our son came. and our son slept through the night at 7 weeks...and my husband still thinks the weeks before that were "hard".
ive had to shove this twins thing down his throat and he still doesnt get it. no multiples class can change that. he cant focus on anything but work so this whole 3 year old + twins is going to be really interesting in regards to how he handles it. ...could just be my husband ; )
and your class sounds completely misinformed anyways : ) dont stress.
we took a marvelous multiples class that was fantastic at our hospital...the instructor had had twins herself and was an RN, she invited a couple and their 5 months old to come to the last class to answer any questions...we covered both vaginal births and c-section and specifically what to expect when having twins (i.e. delivering in the or no matter what)...we also toured the hospitals NICU and CCN...they also covered bfing with was a great class!
we also took the regular class which focused more on breathing..but also covered a lot on vaginal birth/c-sections and complications that can arrise, etc.
I would not go back to that close. it sounds HORRIBLE.
Small brains and slowed development? That really makes you feel good. It's not like anyone goes into Pre-term labor on purpose! Way to put on the guilt trip for something you can't control. Stupid. Aren't pregnant moms stressed out enough?
For the record, all three of mine were preemies and they are just as smart as any other kid their age...or smarter