
s/o Angelcare

We registered for a Motorola video monitor (the 2.8 inch) and got it for a generous gift at my shower. Shortly after I registered for it I learned about the Angelcare.

Would you rather have a video monitor or two Angelcares?

I am torn. I know there is no 100% sense of security out there, but I am wondering which would give me more piece of mind. 

Also, if you had your babies sleep in your room with you at first in a PNP or similar, did you use it then as well? or only when they were in a different room?


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Re: s/o Angelcare

  • Why don't you get an Angelcare video monitor?
  • the only time i have wished i had a video monitor is when the twins are singing or playing in their cribs and i wish i could see them b/c it's cute.... otherwise it's not much "safety" feeling to me- b/c i can't watch them when I am sleeping :)

    the angelcare lets me sleep well b/c i will hear the beep if they aren't breathing... you can't tell if a baby is breathing or not on a video.

    some people have both -b ut if you can only afford one - the angelcare is teh way to go - in my opinion :)

    we used them with them in their bedside cosleepers the first 6mo then moved to the cribs after that.

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  • I love the idea of an Angelcare, but my spouse wouldn't agree to them. Too paranoid or something Stick out tongue (and expensive).  And I lost all chance of an argument for them when our pedi said they're pretty useless if you're taking appropriate precautions (eg, no bumpers) as "true" SIDS isn't preventable. One of ours came home on an apnea monitor and that made me nuts with the false alarms...That said, I kind of wish we had them since every time I get up at night, pass their rooms etc, I check on them and make sure they're breathing (though I would probably anyway), but really the sound monitor has been just fine. I don't know what good a video monitor would do us at this age. I could see it being nice with toddlers though.
  • My mom purchased us 2 snuza monitors, which have been great!  They have a ticking option you can turn on so that you can hear the babies breathing.  This has really helped me to sleep!  In addition to this, my in-laws purchased us a color video monitor with 2 cameras.  We have not used it yet, but I am sure it will be handy when they are both sleeping in their own rooms.  Supposidly, with the video monitor, you can zoom in, see the babies in the dark, play music, and talk to the babies through the monitor.  We are very fortunate for these useful gifts.
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  • For the first four months, the LOs slept in our room in two cosleepers sidecar'd to our bed. We used a regular audio monitor that we got as a hand-me-down during that time b/c we'd put the babies to sleep at 7:30pm and then DH and I would go downstairs for the rest of the night. We didn't need a video monitor b/c the rest of the night, DH and I were in the room with them, but the audio monitor was nice to have.

    When we moved them to their own individual rooms at 4 months, we got a video monitor that has two cameras and one receiver. It was nice to have the video monitor and now I can't imagine now having it.  

  • We have our video monitor hooked up in the master bedroom for the first 6 months because our boys slept in our room in their rock-n-plays.

    When we moved them to their cribs, we moved the cameras into the nursery (one pointing to each crib) and also use angelcare monitors. We do get false alarms, though, when they move into a corner. 

    The video monitor helps us because they sometimes cry but aren't really fully awake so we leave them alone. We can see on the monitor if they are just wallowing around in the crib and crying or if they are standing up and jumping up and down crying. 


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  • Much rather have the video monitor IMO. Getting a new one soon, the one you have actually but with 2 cameras. I want to be able to see DD since she'll be moving out of her crib and our room is on the main floor and kids are upstairs. 

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  • Thanks everyone! More to discuss with dh.
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