
11 hours in the car -- I need your best tricks

We have 5.5 hours one way tomorrow, then 5.5 hours back the next day. What are you best tricks? I'm going to load my tablet with some shows, but I don't want that out the entire time.
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Re: 11 hours in the car -- I need your best tricks

  • During HS my aunt and uncle paid for me to go on a cruise with them and be the "babysitter" so they could get out without the kids a bit... Ages 1 and 6 at the time. We drove from GA to Miami, FL! It was the worst... We planned on driving half way the first day, stopping, and sleeping in a hotel. Then wake up and drive the rest...

    We did it all in one day. Stopped maybe 5 or 6 times. It was fine until night time - 1yr old had a harder time during the night. Her parents allowed her to watch some videos on youtube, they had iphones. Other than that, we just dealt with the screams from her during nap/bed time and "are we there yets" from the 6 year old.

    Good luck!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • No ideas for the 10 month old, but for your 5 year old, what about a mini magna or aqua doodle?  My sister used these constantly with her son.

    Also, maybe go raid the $1 store for some cheap new things to keep "hidden" until a meltdown - then, oh look!  A new toy/book!

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  • A fresh batch of library books

    Audio books from the library - My Father's Dragon, Farmer Boy or Magic Treehouse might be fun for your older DS

    A couple small wrapped toys from the dollar store, to bring out when you really need a change of pace/something else for him to focus on

    Leapster Explorer

    Not sure if this would work for you, since its only for your older DS and might anger your little one, but I've found that a good sized lollipop keeps DS quiet in the car for a long time!  He rarely gets these, so they are a huge treat and we were so thankful for them when we drove 16 hrs to Florida last year!

  • I drove from Los Angeles to San Francisco (about 8 hours each way) when my kids were 8 mo., 2 and 4.  I also drove to and from Texas last summer (three 8 hour days of driving). They were 3, 5 and 6. Both these were by myself since DH couldn't get the time off. We've also done many smaller (4 and 5 hr) trips. They did fine. I am sure you will be too. I bring new DVDs (no more than 1 a day), new toys (poly pockets and paper dolls were the hit), had colored pencils or color wonder pens and paper, some books, especially Where's Waldo because they could look at the pics for a long time without me for the older one. I also let them each pack a small bag of whatever toys they could fit in. For the younger, I would bring favorite toys and for both lots and lots of snacks. I found that a quick stop when they are babies as soon as they show signs of crabbiness helps. My final tip is to force potty breaks whenever you stop. I tell them to practice going if they say they don't have to go. They usually end up going so we then don't get 20 minutes from a town to hear they now have to go. Hopefully the baby will sleep alot on the trip too. Have fun! I love road trips!
    Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08 imageimage
  • imagedsmithplus2:

    During HS my aunt and uncle paid for me to go on a cruise with them and be the "babysitter" so they could get out without the kids a bit... Ages 1 and 6 at the time. We drove from GA to Miami, FL! It was the worst... We planned on driving half way the first day, stopping, and sleeping in a hotel. Then wake up and drive the rest...

    We did it all in one day. Stopped maybe 5 or 6 times. It was fine until night time - 1yr old had a harder time during the night. Her parents allowed her to watch some videos on youtube, they had iphones. Other than that, we just dealt with the screams from her during nap/bed time and "are we there yets" from the 6 year old.

    Good luck!

    Omg how old are you that they had iPhones when you were in HS


    I would try to go when they will sleep part of it. Get a DVD player if you do not have one, looking down at a phone would be like reading in a car and might cause car sickness.  

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • Maybe crayons and coloring books for the 6 year old? Do they have a leap pad or anything?

    For the 10 month old, he may just sleep ALOT, i'd get him a couple new toys you can pull out when he gets cranky.

    My dd has been in the car for 12 hours in one day and done just fine with a few new toys. She also just sleeps most of the time too.

    If you need to you can take him out at a gas stop and let him stretch a bit before you head back on the road again! Safe travels!

    Scarlett Madison-12-18-2014
    Baby # 3 Due 06/02/16

    Furchildren include
    Kali 12/20/10-Husky-Has Addison's Disease.
    Doxie 10/04/11-Dachsund
    Tadley 11/12-Cat Ruler of the house.
  • Who are you people with kids that will drive for 12 hours?! We did a road trip 3 weeks ago, 11 hours each way. DD (5) did great, 2 movies each way, coloring, listening to music with new Hello Kitty headphones. DS (21 mo) didn't do as great. About an hour each way was hard. DH had to sit in back until we got to a stopping point. I'll be honest and say we used electronics 90% of the ride. I'm not a road trip person. :)
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • imageveloelle:
    Who are you people with kids that will drive for 12 hours?! We did a road trip 3 weeks ago, 11 hours each way. DD (5) did great, 2 movies each way, coloring, listening to music with new Hello Kitty headphones. DS (21 mo) didn't do as great. About an hour each way was hard. DH had to sit in back until we got to a stopping point. I'll be honest and say we used electronics 90% of the ride. I'm not a road trip person. :)

    LOL. Just lucky I guess! I LOVE road trips! In the summer I drove from IL back to TX (18 hr drive) just dd and I. She sleeps, snacks and watches out the window, she has her moments but that's towards the end of the road trip. I also take her out and let her stretch every gas stop, it helps ALOT!

    Scarlett Madison-12-18-2014
    Baby # 3 Due 06/02/16

    Furchildren include
    Kali 12/20/10-Husky-Has Addison's Disease.
    Doxie 10/04/11-Dachsund
    Tadley 11/12-Cat Ruler of the house.
  • A few times a year we do an 11-12 hour drive each way.  Honestly, we try and do most of the driving overnight or during sleep times but when we have to drive during the day we do a combo of DVD's, books that the girls can look at themselves (now they will have their Tags), whiteboards or other things they can color on, puzzle type of books.  Anything they can do themselves.  We stop about every 2-3 hours to let them run around when they are awake (potty breaks at that time as well).  Lots of snacks.  We sing song, play road games (who can find a house, a certain letter on a billboard, etc).
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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