
Tantrums at 9 months?

One of my twins is quite impatient. If she wants something, she wants it immediately. While they're eating their solids, she will get impatient while I'm feeding her sister or grabbing a spoon. Sometimes it's almost as if she's throwing a tantrum. She will cry/scream, shake her fists etc. Is there any correlation between this type of baby behavior and eventually toddler behavior? 
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Re: Tantrums at 9 months?

  • I have no advice, but one of my 8 month olds is exactly like this. She KNOWS how to crawl, but if she's in the "right" mood and a toy she wants is too far away, she will melt down and "forget" she knows how to crawl and get it....she just about goes catatonic. I just have a feeling she's going to give me a run for my money as she gets older...I don't know what to do with her! I mean, she's still a baby so I just oblige her right now, but I have no idea what I'm going to do when she knows the difference between right and wrong!
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