Well, who knows if this will change anything? but its worth a try! I signed it! My heart breaks for any women that has to deal IF and I just wish it could be easier!
I cant take all the credit I saw someone else post it on another board and I thought I would post it on IF...just seems like it would hit home to so many like myself!
Now if we could only get the government to mandate insurance carriers offer maternity coverage for pregnant women too.
Single Mother by Choice.
Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own.
IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN
IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies
BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187
1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!!
Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema.
Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d
My IVF Journey
Re: white house petition for infertility coverage in all 50 states-please sign!
Thanks for posting this! I signed it!
Cycle #1(47 days) ~ Natural - BFN
Cycle #2 (36 days) ~ Clomid - BFN
Cycle #3 (46 days) ~ Clomid - BFN
Cycle #4 (42 days)~ Gonal-F and Ovidrel - BFN
Cycle #5 (46 days) ~ Gonal-F and Ovidrel - Cancelled cycle due to hyper-stimulation
Cycle #6 (31 days)~ Gonal-F and Ovidrel - Cancelled AGAIN due to hyper-stimulation
Cycle #7 (50 days) ~ IUI #1 (with letrolzole & ovidrel) - BFN
Cycle #8 (32 days) ~ BC pills - obviously BFN
Cycle #9 (20 days) ~ IVF #1 (10/2011): 23 eggs retrieved, 20 inseminated,16 fertilized! 0 transferred. All embryos frozen due to severe OHSS
Cycle #10 (44 days) ~ BC pills, ovaries given chance to rest
Cycle #11 ~ FET #1 on 1/20/2012, transferred two 3-day blastocysts, refroze 1 embryo (now left with 11 frozen) 2/2/12 Beta = less than 0.5 BFFN
FET #2 March 30, 2012 BFN
FET #4 October 16, 2013, transferred two 5-day blasts
[spoiler] My Blog: Grow Baby Grow
BFP #1: 12/2009 m/c 1/2010 BFP #2: 6/2010 m/c 8/2010
BFP #3: 10/2011 ectopic 11/2011 (right tube removed, learned left tube was probably nonfunctional due to scar tissue from infection after m/c)
3 failed IUIs, IVF #1: 18R, 12M, 10F, 3 poor quality 5d embryos transferred= BFP #4!!!!!
Betas: 9dp5dt: 64 ~14dp5dt: 91 (expecting miscarriage, doubling time of 236 hours) ~16dp5dt: 200~18dp5dt: 500
First Ultrasound at 6w2d revealed two sacs, only one with a heartbeat
LK arrived after 42 weeks on August 14, 2013! Beautiful, healthy, and happy!
TTC#2: IVF booked for April 2015
Surprise BFP#5 February 19, 2015 EDD: November 2, 2015
Betas: 10dpo: 10, 14dpo: 77, 17dpo: 270
First Ultrasound at 5w1d showed a miracle UTE baby! And right ovary ovulation to left fallopian tube.
JD arrived at 38 weeks on October 20, 2015.
TTC #3: Since October 2017. BFP #6 July 2, 2018 EDD: March 16, 2019 [/spoiler]
I signed!
Now if we could only get the government to mandate insurance carriers offer maternity coverage for pregnant women too.