
Question Re: Buying Things Early

So my MIL and SIL got us tickets to go to a huge sale of used baby items.  I'll be right at 11 weeks when the sale takes place and I wasn't really planning on buying much that early, but they won't be having another sale in our area until after the twins are here.

 What kinds of things would you recommend I look for this early?  I am going to check out the twin strollers, but other than that, just not sure what to stock up on since we won't yet know the sexes.  We are also first time parents so not sure what all we are really going to need!

Thanks for your help!

Re: Question Re: Buying Things Early

  • I'd look for larger items, especially if you're willing to have pairs of things that don't match (I wasn't, but I sure could have saved some $).  

    Some things I used that I'd watch for are bouncy seats, Bumbos, FP Space Saver High Chairs, a Double Snap N Go stroller, Rock and Play Sleepers, baby bathtub,  furniture like a rocking chair or changing table, and a play yard gate.  I would avoid car seats, cribs (I'm paranoid), and anything that isn't completely washable.

    You could also look for neutral towels, NB sized clothes like sleepers, sleep sacks, and anything that strikes you as cute!

    Have fun!

  • I'd look at bouncer seats, an infant bath tub, swings, play mats, furniture, bumbos, high chairs, carriers. There are a lot of unisex options out there for these types of things. 

    Sleep sacks and swaddlers can be pricey new and so I'd look for those.  

    Things I wouldn't be comfortable buying second hand (or maybe from someone I didn't know) would be a mattress or car seats.

    You could start gathering toys too if you have the space to store them. If not that could always wait until the sale that takes place after the babies are born.  

     I'm sure there is more but I can't think of it right now. 


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  • I bought two of everything. I mean everything! And it all had to match. I even bought new car seats and highchairs because they didn't make the match for my DD1's stuff. But, I love baby stuff, so it's kind of a weird rush for me to find a good deal.

    I originally bought neutral stuff (except my car seat and stroller) for my DD1, thinking I could use it again if we had a boy. Little did I know, I could've bought all girls stuff!

    Anyway, we tried to match all the baby stuff to our house decor. Swings, bouncey seat, high chairs, etc. all kind of blended in (as much as possible). That's all neutral stuff. My bassinets were white eyelet with interchangeable ribbon and bows (pink, blue, or green).

    Like PP said, toys are good. Playmats. Slings/carriers. Pack n Plays. Halo Sleep sacks are great (we just get the cream color). I found lots of random stuff at our MoM sale. Stuff I didn't even know I wanted/needed, like wedges for the crib to elevate when congested or reflux. Extra quilted sheets for the pack n' plays. Baby Bjorn hard plastic bibs. Extra matching socks. I found so much random crap, and I'm sure you will too! Just have fun. At 11 weeks, I think you're pretty safe to start buying.  

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