Hi everyone
I've been lurking for a while and wanted to introduce myself. ?My daughter was born 2 1/2 weeks ago at 27w 1d. ?She was severely growth restricted due to placental insufficiency (of unknown origin). ?When she was born she weighed 1 lb 1 oz, and she's now up to 1 lb 4 oz. ?So far she hasn't had any major problems (no brain bleeds, no PDA), but she's had some problems with breathing and eliminating CO2 so she's been on the vent since birth. ?
It's been very hard for my husband and me - the whole one-day-at-a-time thing. ?I'm just looking for some other moms who have had similar experiences to talk to.?
Re: New preemie mommy
I am currently going through this as well. Well not totally the same. My son was born 10/25 due to PROM. He was born 4lb and 3 oz. It has also been very hard on my husband and I. No one t really knows what it is like unless they have been through it or are going through it. have found this board to be extemely helpful as I am navigating raising my preemie. I am here if you want to talk and I am in NJ. You can e-mail me if you want sabloja@vzw.blackberry.net
Welcome and congratulations!
My little one wasn't quite as little (1 lb 11 oz) and she was a 28 weeker ... but I'm now proud to say she is 2 weeks shy of her 1st birthday and doing really great! Our NICU stay was 88 days. Anyway ... I've been down a similar road and will be happy to answer questions if/when you have them!
Hello and welcome.
My son was a 26weeker born at 1lb 7oz. He spent 5 weeks on the vent and another 3 on CPAP.. The lung issues were rough, I won't lie.
But much to EVERYONE'S surprise, he was off oxygen before he came home and doesn't seem to have any signs of lung disease now.
You'll hear it a thousand times- they really are fighters. They put up with way more than we ever would.. way more than they ever should have to.
NICU life is one of those experiences that defies description. Everyone will tell you it's a roller coaster. I keep telling everyone it's more like bungee jumping. Sometimes the ups and downs are so drastic that you feel like you can't catch your breath.
Good luck to you guys. Let us know if you have any questions!
My Blog
I am also a new mother to a little girl that was born at 29 weeks 6 days, she was born at 2 lbs 11 oz. I have a bicornate uterus and she literally had no more room to grow. She is a little over two weeks old now and I am trying to really take it one day at a time but noone could have prepared me for how hard it is to do that!!!! Would love to talk to other mothers who have been through the same experiences.....
Congrats... Before you know it your baby will be home in your arms. There are so many success stories here and it is very encouraging reading everyones tales.
My cousin had a 24 weeker. She weighed 1lb 2oz. She was on a vernt for 4 months, cpap for a month and in the nicu for 6 months total. She did have a cat4 brain bleed and a severe blood infection and her parents were told she would not survive....she is 5 years old now, in kindergarten with no setbacks or deficits. Other than being small, she is just like any other 5 year old....cept she is a major tuffy. Nothing phases her. She got her hand caught in a mousetrap and didn't even cry!!! I guess that is what happens when you go through what these babies go through.
Congrats and welcome! My guys were born at 28wks 6days fir the same IUGR problem in Baby B (that's Evan) umbilical/placenta. They turned 7mos actual yesterday and are doing great. My IUGR baby had few problems and came off vent very quickly but my other twin had much more problems and came home on O2 for 4 months.
Let me know if you have any questions, you can also read our story in my blog. NICU is rough and you will be there a long time but it is an amazing place that helps do wonderous things. So does this board. The ladies here are wonderful and really know their stuff. We're here to help you!!
My DS was born at 36 weeks and had RDS and a neumothorax, all he's finally out of the NICU and home after two weeks.
I know its really hard seeing your baby in the NICU with all those tubes and wires. My thoughts are with you. Its great that she has no major problems! Good luck and Congrats!
I am a new preemie mommy too. Congrats on your little bundle of joy!
My DD was born at 26 wks and 1 day. She was 1Ib. and 10 oz. She is still on the ventilator and having lung issues as well, but she's a feisty little girl.
Welcome and congrats on your little fighter. I had my DD at 27 weeks, 6 days and she was 2 lbs, 1 oz. Our favorite neonatalogist told us that age is more important than size, so your little one is proving that right! Please feel free to ask us any questions or vent if you need to. We've all been there. We have a blog, too, that we started when I got sick with pre-e. You can look back and see pics and read our story if you want. robbieandmartha dot blogspot dot com.
Keep us posted!