OH no, that sucks! Is that there reasoning due to age? Because my preemie is still covered and is a week older than yours.
It sounds like they're going off of GA at birth rather than actual age, which sucks big time.
Honestly, I think the criteria for babies born at 32w and older is stupid and all preemies should be able to have full Synagis coverage regardless of GA at birth. OP, I'm sorry they denied you for the rest of the season.
I totally agree- isn't it cheaper to just pay for the damn shot rather than a potential hospital stay?
I'm really upset because we were taking LO away with us in April and now I'm nervous about the plane and recycled air germs.
I'm with you op. they cut v off too, only they initially approved it so we didn't fine out until the morning we went in for her next shot. I fought for two weeks but it didn't change a thing. It totally sucks. I hope you and LO stay healthy.
Re: cut off from Synagis
I totally agree- isn't it cheaper to just pay for the damn shot rather than a potential hospital stay?
I'm really upset because we were taking LO away with us in April and now I'm nervous about the plane and recycled air germs.
I'm with you op. they cut v off too, only they initially approved it so we didn't fine out until the morning we went in for her next shot. I fought for two weeks but it didn't change a thing. It totally sucks. I hope you and LO stay healthy.
DD1: November 2011
DD2: December 2013